Windows Programming - February 2020

Lnk 2019 error
Please help at the same proj same dir working code <#include "GLFW/glfw3.h" #pragma comment(lib, "glfw3.lib") namespace Hazel { m_Window = glfwCreateWindow((int...
[5 replies] Last: @aymanawa, hmm it seems like Visual Studio works a bit differently wit... (by Ganado)
ErrorC1083Cannot open include file and E1696
environment VS 2019 compile error in the client side of my solution c1083 please help notice that the .dll compile which mean that the file is there error:...
[2 replies] Last: yes I already found the solution the problem was that the include pat... (by aymanawa)
MS VC Looking for working C++ using ODBC calls.
Trying to create code to open an ODBC DB on my Windows 10 PC using MS Visual Studio 2019. Have found a bunch of sample code that is suppose to open an ODBC con...
[2 replies] Last: Hmmmm. Well, try these two programs for a start and let me know what ... (by freddie1)
by Hex213
Windows form - help button
Hi, exist any way to show help button with other buttons. Preferably next to the minimize button?
[1 reply] : the default buttons should be a property of the form itself. But I do... (by jonnin)
Win32 api relevance in the threatening UWP possible era
UWP most likely won't fly in the game consumer and developer communities but Microsoft seems to be determined with it. I really hope it doesn't. I really hop...
[10 replies] Last: Pasting your link "raw": (by George P)
  Archived months: [jan2020] [mar2020]

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