Windows Programming - January 2018

Getting a pixel's coordinates
Is there any way to get the coordinates of a pixel using the standard console? I know this is possible using the rather complicated Windows API by creating a Wi...
[7 replies] Last: The Windows API does support reading mouse click location, just use th... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Getline with crlf line break
Does getline work with windows crlf line break?
[1 reply] : Sure (by Thomas1965)
Esc menu
I am currently doing a school project. we are allowed to anything as long as it meets the requirements. i have it finished but i want to add something so wherev...
[2 replies] Last: Is there anyway to do this without pausing the program and asking the... (by mbozzi)
Button mouse over and leave events
I use Code::Blocks to create C++ softwares. I created a button: button = CreateWindow( TEXT("BUTTON"), TEXT(szov), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 10, 10, 100, ...
[2 replies] Last: And if you want those events pertaining to the button specifically, as... (by freddie1)
Check if aero is enabled
I need to check where windows aero is enabled or not. Can anyone help me with the syntax of DwmIsCompositionEnabled();, or suggest me a better a method of doing...
[2 replies] Last: If you are running Windows 8 or later DWM is always active, you can't ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by sevic
Reading objects with string fields from file
How to read file like this: John; Michaels; USA; Nick; Davidson; France; into vector<Person> where class Person contains fields name, surname, country? ...
[4 replies] Last: Shouldn't line 8 pass the Person by reference? Sure, silly mistake.... (by Thomas1965)
c file i/o vs c++ file i/o
In my program I want to record some keystrokes and send them to a file. When I use the "c" conventions for file I/O I am able to read keystrokes, however, using...
[1 reply] : How does your WinMain look like? The definite guide to Windows program... (by Thomas1965)
telnet through winsock socket
im trying to do telnet command in server through client pc. ive read about it and people says i only need socket for the whole job.from what ive understand abou...
[5 replies] Last: its not really possible to have only client and connect to the server... (by kbw)
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