What book to learn from?

Hello folks, my name is Raymond and I'm new to this forum, well, actually I'm not. I started learning C++ language from this site. Back then, when I was learning the programming with the C++ Tutorial (the pdf version) I learned a few things, but then I wasn't motivated at all and I paused learning on Pointers chapter. But now I feel motivated again and I want restart from scratch. I have downloaded a lot of books regarding C++ and I want to know a good one so I can learn from it. A few years ago I also read some chapters of Ivor Horton's - Beginning Visual C++ 2010 (which for me I clearly to understand) book. I'm kinda stuck to which book to start with, some says C++ Primer is a good choice, others says Accelerated C++, anyway.

I'm beginner, but I had some sufficient knowledge enough to not learn any other programming than C++, since it will be more easy to learn cause I have some fundamentals knowledge (and also experience, writing fun programs) then to learn e.g. Visual Basic.
But I won't be limited to one language only, in a early future also I want to learn other programming languages too, like Python, Visual Basic, Java, Lua, etc.

Please, help me. I'm also watching some videos, and I've watched introduction to classes and objects and I understood it.
Sorry for my English, I'm kinda unexperienced writing although I'm fluent on speaking (from Brazil).

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Here are recent suggestions and advice on books if you didn't get a chance to look through them yet - maybe some of the suggestions and advice there will be helpful :)

Oh, hey! Thanks for the support, I checked the topics and by suffering through them I found others websites and then I found this book "C++ Without a Fear 2nd edition" by Brian Overland. I think I'll this try this out! What you think?

In a later moment I pretend to learn Principles and Practice using C++ when I complete reading this book to extend my general knowledge about C++.
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