I need help


I am 14 years old, I am interested to learn C++ but I don't know what is the use of C++. I know it's used to make games and stuff but what is exact use of it.
I am good at HTML, PHP and CSS. So, can anyone help me?

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C++ is a programming language. You can use it to make a computer do anything. It has no "exact" use. It's a tool.

This is like asking what the exact use of a pencil is. It's a tool; you use it to create things.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Repeater's answer is good, but perhaps what you're actually asking is what sets C++ apart from other programming languages. I like C++ because of its powerful features, like templates, and its type safety over C, along with powerful compilers that make native code while allowing for abstraction without sacrificing run-time advantages.

However, if you already know some Web stuff, why not learn Javascript? (I don't even like Javascript that much, but it melds very well with other web-related coding.)
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I agree with Ganado, mostly because that is the path I followed myself. My first coding language was HTML and from there went on to JavaScript. This will help a lot in trying to learn c++, which could be a tricky language to learn for beginners. JavaScript will introduce you to concepts like functions, parameters, and variables. Good luck!
c++ is a high performance general purpose language. It can do most things that can be done on a computer, though it is not strong at web tasks (it can do it but special purpose languages are easier for this kind of work). Its great at things like number crunching, data processing, scientific/engineering tasks, to name a very few uses of the language. Its good for making libraries and tools that other languages can use, and it can bridge the gap between ultra high level languages that can't get at hardware and low level needs (this is part of why its good at games, it can get to the hardware details of the graphics card while having high level constructs to organize the game code).
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