Beginners - August 2015 (Page 6)

by Dazzer
initialisation of bool - can't get my head around it! (1,2)
Hi peeps, I’m having a hard time getting my head around the initialisation of bool. Consider the program i wrote below. As it stands, it outputs the cor...
[23 replies] Last: That's exactly what I was saying. It doesn't matter which way round it... (by shadowmouse)
Beginner Mistakes Ahoy.
I'm trying to make a small program that grades a test. When the program runs, it only asks you to input the first answer, then skips all the rest. If the answer...
[3 replies] Last: You should edit your post to use #include <iostream> int main(... (by Bernarax)
Unsure between 2 books
Hello, I'm looking to buy a single book that can teach me the ropes to C++ and OOP in general. Having done my research, I got the list narrowed to only two bo...
[4 replies] Last: > "Programming : Principles and Practice Using C++" goes over C++11 an... (by JLBorges)
Python vs C++
I am wanting to know how to take 2 values and returns a string that says "the sum of (value1) and (value2) is (value1+value2). I am trying to work the program o...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! (by wahlysadventures)
int main (){} not normal?
I usually just start my script like: #include <iostream> int main() { return 0; } but a lot of scripts have the following: #include <...
[5 replies] Last: > the type of the second argument should be const char * argv No. Th... (by JLBorges)
What's the difference between a set and a map?
As described below on cppreference Set: The C++ Set is an associative container that contains a sorted set of unique objects. Map: C++ Maps are sorted a...
[19 replies] Last: Ordering or re-ordering when an element is erased or inserted is autom... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Input Validation.
Hi people, I am new to this website and pretty new to c++. So if I make a mistake please go easy. I want to know how I validate the input of a variable. The i...
[1 reply] : All five digit numbers are between... (by LB)
Running PowerShell with C++
I am using C++ console application to make a batch file, then executing it by using: ShellExecuteA(NULL, "open", "run.bat", NULL, NULL, SW_NORMAL); The bat...
[5 replies] Last: If you can't get the PowerShell method to work, there is source code ... (by SoftMOUNT)
Importing data from a text file
Hi! I need to fulfill an array with the data imported from a text file! Is there a way? Say that I have an array of five strings, and a text file like this: ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. (by Kreadeth)
Run-time loop issue
Hi this is the function I'm looking at below. The method works perfectly if you only enter integers as userChoice is an int. Although whenever I enter any othe...
[5 replies] Last: The >> operator returns the stream, and streams are implicitly convert... (by LB)
by Atton
Breaking the string
How would it be possible to break a string into 6 blocks for a vector. I've tried this with the code below however my success has been limited. #include <io...
[2 replies] Last: ok (by Atton)
overflow question newb
Hello just a quick question. I thought when i ran this that the double would hold more tha an int on a 64 bit system but at square 30 they both overflow. Did ...
[2 replies] Last: lol my bad i just had chemo so i am a bit out of it atm thanks peter. (by estephan)
I got some problem in c++
please can someone help me, i have no idea where am i wrong #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { float a1, b1; cout << "Enter the...
[2 replies] Last: Use all these at a time .... If there are extras .. it is ok ... but i... (by Swapnil2000)
How to pass g++.exe parameters to Code::Blocks?
I have been using CodeBlocks for a while now,and sometimes I have a problem.Its mostly associated with passing parameters to the g++ program.How do I pass para...
[1 reply] : Short answer: in CodeBlocks, you don't need to pass -c or -o flags, as... (by MatthewRock)
by Kew
unblocking getch() in loop
i am try to test the function by looping it until the key 'A' is pressed, however, getch() is blocking the looping, what should i modify so that the program wor...
[no replies]
by said90
printf("I NEED YOUR HELP");
good evening programmers does anyone know what is the wrong with my program, once i run it and calculate the total price ..i get many numbers that aren't inclu...
[1 reply] : I'm not going to look through the whole code (and probably nobody else... (by shadowmouse)
Just started learning C++ by myself and need a little help :P
Hello Folks ! I just started learning the c++ language a few days ago, and I wanted to make a little ''You are the Hero'' story to practice and learn stuff. But...
[3 replies] Last: For the gender selector, it'll be better if you create a while loop to... (by ipodder1985)
Need help with assignment please!
Hello! I'm having trouble with an assignment for class and would greatly appreciate help! Here is the assignment: The history teacher at your school needs ...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah, there's a fantastic chance we're in the same class, as we're doi... (by KyuubiCalvary)
need help with struct and parameter
I can get my code run without using struct but my professor required me to use struct to get full credit. I have no idea how. Also, how do I print void displayU...
[no replies]
by sariki
Recursion for Lists
Hello once again haha. Here we are again with Recursion you would think that by now I would have gotten it but I am having so much trouble with recursion. S...
[3 replies] Last: By the source you've included it looks like a custom created linked li... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
August 2015 Pages: 1... 45678... 28
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