Beginners - February 2015 (Page 3)

Running program without compiler
Hi I am doing a project for university work (in physics), for which I have written a program in C++. Have had success running it through VS express but my s...
[3 replies] Last: Great replies, thanks!! I'm not going crazy then. I'll tell him no can... (by epbanks)
Getting mouse position in console window
Hello All, i have a question on how to get the cursor/mouse from the console window. i am making a game and i need to get the mouse position in pixels using...
[8 replies] Last: Hehe yess i managed to get somthing like that to work with BitBlt http... (by Precious roy)
Error occuring in my code
Hi, this is my code and i was wondering if anyone could give me a hand, as whenever i try to run it, 2 errors occur saying expression must have pointer-to-objec...
[no replies]
Need Help with program
Problem is the program is supposed to search through the table and pull out the highest value, and cout the Division that its in. I'm having problems with high...
[5 replies] Last: Look ate your getLowest function. Tell me which lines you think are ... (by LB)
by Kman
Storing user input into 2-dimensional array?
Hi all, having some trouble with storing user input into this particular 2-dimensional array. I have to get the sales per car type per color type, and print the...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks a bunch! For the record, I switched the "i" and "j" in sales be... (by Kman)
Finding Highest and lowest and average scores
Hey guys, I am taking a Logic and Programming course at my local community college and am studying C++. I am stuck on a lab assignment that asks you to enter fi...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah, we have never been exposed to that in class. As of right now tha... (by Comicalizard)
Trying to pass an array of structures
Write your question here. I keep getting an error saying missing type specifier, int assumed. and cannot convert argument 1 from Rainfall to const int. Can s...
[4 replies] Last: Why would you want to do that? When you pass array you already give re... (by Townsheriff)
Add strings from .txt file to Array
I got a error, if you can help me to fix it :) #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main(){ ifstream render("file1.t...
[3 replies] Last: why do you make a fixed sized array of size 0 ??? (by anup30)
gets(name) with loops
So I am using gets(name) in a loop. When I get through the fist loop the second loop skips over the gets(name) statement. Do I need to clear the gets(name) some...
[4 replies] Last: gets has been deprecated and is no longer in the latest C standard. ... (by LB)
Online C++ compiler
could any one give the best and the latest online C++ compiler ? and what is the deference between it and the offline compiler ?
[4 replies] Last: IDEone has an option for C++14. With Coliru, you can change which stan... (by LB)
GPA funtion
Hi I am trying to come up with a function that will calculate GPA. Right now i am using if else statements. But am having trouble writing "o 64% and 63% are a 0...
[no replies]
by PJ63
help with simple loop bank account program
im trying to create a simple program that mimics a savings account. I'm getting stuck at the "yes/no" while loops where the program wont go to the "no" part of ...
[2 replies] Last: ok so i made the changes, but im still stuck at the same place. /*... (by PJ63)
Matrix multiplication not calculating correctly?
I Have the code written to input 2 matrices and multiply both together. These are 5 x 5 matrices. The code runs fine, however when i input in my 2 matrices, u...
[2 replies] Last: You don't accept PMs. Did you get it working correctly? (by Duthomhas)
Question about C++ program
Write your question here. This is my first programming class and I am having a problem running this code, I am not receiving any errors, however when I run the...
[3 replies] Last: My pleasure :) (by TarikNeaj)
by tywin
Conditions in class member functions
Hello, if someone could aid in my project that would be wonderful. I have the core program down, it runs fine and whatnot. However, my conditions inside my clas...
[3 replies] Last: No problem. It happens to everyone. (by Duthomhas)
heap memory. 2D/3D array.
I wrote a c code compatible(hopefully) with most c++ compilers. I submit a complete fully working program. The objective is to use the heap memory and write som...
[2 replies] Last: Line 12: m and n are not particularly meaningful names. A simply cha... (by AbstractionAnon)
First of all i feel really honor to meet you guys on such an marvelous site. I have one question in mind. I know it's sounds silly but i can't understand what i...
[1 reply] : AOP is a subset of OOP. (by LB)
creating a program for sine and running iterations
Lab 5 Part 1. The sine function can be approximated by the following series: sin( x ) = ∑(n on top, k=0 on bottom of sigma) ( − 1 )^k = x^2k+1 / (2k+...
[1 reply] : You will never get the exact same values. It's an inherent problem wit... (by LB)
letter counter
in a string how do you put counters on specific letter for example i input VXXI it counts v as 1, x as 2 and I as 1 .
[1 reply] : Newer post with responses is here: (by LB)
by aver97
Write a Program to Compute Grades for a Number of Students
Hello! This is kind of a file read/output problem. This is a homework assignment, so I'm not looking for actual answers, I'm just looking for assistance on so...
[1 reply] : Line 25: "Z" is a string, whereas 'Z' is a char acter.... (by LB)
February 2015 Pages: 12345... 52
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