Beginners - June 2019 (Page 13)

Is it possible to make a Virtual Video Card in C++?
Hi! I'm trying to create a Virtual Video Card that has the ability to render 3D Graphics and Games just like NVIDIA Cuda to all capable CPU's that does not have...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for all the reply guys I appreciate it... (by ramp10er)
c# code understanding(or c++ translation)
public class Pair { public int Count; public int Length; } public class PairsList { public LinkedList<Pair> Pairs...
[1 reply] : 1 I will illustrate the algorithm with an example. Assume we have m ... (by iamnone12)
June 2019 Pages: 1... 111213
  Archived months: [may2019] [jul2019]

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