Beginners - May 2020 (Page 2)

by sparki
C++ multiple inheritance
Hi, is anyone able to help me understand what the scope operators in main() are doing in this case? On top of that, how is "gc.BonusCharacter::Vehicle::velocity...
[1 reply] : Please keep the #includes in your code when you post compileable excer... (by Ganado)
parsing a comma delimited string WITHOUT using vectors
wondering if someone could assist with this. I have the following code; however, I need to change this to work without using vectors. I'm currently stumped on h...
[2 replies] Last: Don't use a loop: void Roster::ParseStudentId(string studentData) { ... (by dhayden)
How to compile a DLL ?
Hey guys I'm working with simulations in Ansys (AQWA) and I'm having trouble compiling a dll that will export functions for the simulation. //user_force64....
[8 replies] Last: I see you are dealing with DLL code that is not under your control... ... (by malibor)
Hello there, can someone help with this question? Using function, write a complete C++ program to print out the result of the following equation : x2+5/2 y
[3 replies] Last: It's not an equation (no equals sign). It's an expression. (by lastchance)
how to display new array
how can i display the array after i edit the index of the array. // Listing4.2.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you! that works! (by tuanle007)
Please solve this problem
I need help to solve this problem: Assume you are asked to create a database for Train Station System, which contains: Structure Ships { Long ID, String Dep...
[8 replies] Last: it isna an array, its a structure. They look like this: struct ship... (by jonnin)
by Esso
How does the compiler work here?
class foo { private: static int count; public: foo(){count++;} int getcount(){return ++count;} }; // int foo :: count = 0; // int main() { foo f1, f2...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah yeah ... I got you right now, actually I exprienced a combination... (by Esso)
by asxxx
Time function
Hi. I have problem with time function. I try measure time need to sort array using bubble sort. I using float type but I cant get ant values after dot. #i...
[2 replies] Last: time() usually has a resolution of one second. To get better resolut... (by dutch)
by asxxx
Adding and deleting objects
Hi everyone. I want to create program which can work like primitive library add, modify, show and delete, sell etc books(objects). I think I am should adding ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by asxxx)
by asxxx
Vector of objects from diffrent class
Hello. I want to create vector of objects from diffrent classes. I am wondering if Base class should be abstract class or not #include <iostream> #incl...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for help! (by asxxx)
Unexpected results from calculating matrix addition using overloaded + and - operator functions within classes
Hello, I am testing the overloaded + and operator and get some strange output in this form. I should get 3s but only the first element is calculated. Any id...
[3 replies] Last: @Ganado Feel like a bloody pirate in a while loop repeating the lette... (by Shishykish)
Resources for socket programming and low level programming in Windows
Hello Members, About: I am a beginner in programming. I learnt most of the things by reading books or reading online. I have recently learnt few basic topi...
[4 replies] Last: So, I want to learn the layers, workings, etc. So basically just gene... (by helios)
Simple Inheritance
Hello, I want to implement a simple OOP program. Could you please check my program? I use a good solution? I don't want to use a virtual function. Is this a ...
[4 replies] Last: Better to create a class Patient that inherits from Person and has a h... (by Thomas1965)
printing invalid email entries
Hi everyone, Currently working on the last piece of a project for school and I am stuck on how to do the following portion of it. "e. public void printI...
[2 replies] Last: Is ".aaaf@bbb" a valid email address? According to the instructions ... (by Thomas1965)
How can I fix these memory access violations?
Hello Currently I am making a piece of code to perform some some matrix maths. I keep getting access violations from lines 101 and 204. Have implemented them...
[12 replies] Last: Awesome! That has solved the issue. (by Shishykish)
Itinerary Code
I am working on replit and is giving me this error message:  clang++-7 -pthread -std=c++17 -o main main.cpp main.cpp:25:3: error: unknown type name 'cout...
[5 replies] Last: Of course it needs to be in a function. If it wasn't in a function, h... (by MikeyBoy)
std::async launch::deferred
does it launches the function with seperate thread and joins it as with launch::async ?
[3 replies] Last: That seems to only be the case when std::launch::async is used. (by Peter87)
Opinions on best ways to draw a "playing field" (First stage of a simple console game).
Hi there, i usually write too much, so I'll try to summarize everything here and paste my code: I'm new to C ++, I'm practicing a lot and want to make a simp...
[4 replies] Last: i like doing tricky stuff like this bc i got sick of output constantly... (by markyrocks)
Save linked list in binary file
[2 replies] Last: If you added a save method that looks a lot like the display, except i... (by kbw)
by annw3y
ReferenceCounter c++
I have class SmartPointer, Date and ReferenceCounter. I have task: To be able to check the value of the counter inside the smart pointer count, add a method u...
[4 replies] Last: class ReferenceCount adds no value over int. In fact, it's buggy beca... (by dhayden)
May 2020 Pages: 1234... 17
  Archived months: [apr2020] [jun2020]

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