Beginners - November 2015 (Page 53)

What is the different between pretest loop and posttest loop please give a example of the loop?
[3 replies] Last: On the other hand, perhaps TC is comparing while and do while loops? (by Zhuge)
Please help in MPI
I have an MPI assignment in which my program will have to read an nxn matrix and store it in to array then multiply with a vector using MPI .
[1 reply] : And...? What is the problem you are having? (by Zhuge)
by Rehmat
help urgent plz
I am pasting my code below, plz i want to have the answer of my Input in the same line where i write question... Example: if i write 2*5 so by entering it s...
[no replies]
by plus2
Program not running
hi, I am trying to make a program that reverses a string. example: input:hello, output:olleh the program is given below but for some reason its not running.Comp...
[4 replies] Last: it The while loop is infinite...Had to use if statement inste... (by plus2)
by dcoli
[1 reply] : Your main function makes no sense to me. int main(void) { int S... (by Bdanielz)
Reverse a negative number!!
Hello, so in my computer science class we have been asked to write a good that reverses a number. I can get it to work for positive numbers, but not negative nu...
[5 replies] Last: It worked, Thankyou for your help! (by engineeringstudent1234)
Pointer Practice Ideas?
Hey guys I'm new to pointers and don't quite understand the concept fully yet but decided to try a program out to get better at it. In my code I don't underst...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, I only addressed half your question. To see if the user's input... (by magnum pi)
Hi all. I am brand new to C++. Just started taking an online course and have been reading the tutorials and forums here. For my first program, I decided to wri...
[6 replies] Last: That makes all the sense in the world! Thank you. I will be looking f... (by cpq2g1zw2)
Help, how to check lotto ticket's numbers ?
Can some one tell me what's wrong with my code? I am generating tickets and would like to compare each ticket number to the wining numbers and then display the ...
[3 replies] Last: This method although not wrong, introduces an unnecessary level of com... (by ShiftLeft)
End of File
I'm trying to write a program that reads from a data file. And when I put the while(!inFile.eof()) it created an endless loop. How would I fix this?
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using nam... (by Adgj533)
by Cat32
Sorting two arrays
I have no idea what I am doing wrong. This is supposed to read names and years from a txt file and them put them into two arrays which should then be sorted. Wh...
[4 replies] Last: I think so. It asks for the file name, you enter it, then nothing. T... (by Cat32)
How to start with boost
I downloaded boost ver 1.59.0 and placed the directory in C:\boost. I ran the bootstrap and .\b2 and then added C:\boost\boost_1_59_0;C:\boost\boost_1_59_0\st...
[6 replies] Last: Im on windows and I just run the developer prompt from visual studio 2... (by wavebulb)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 515253
  Archived months: [oct2015] [dec2015]

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