Beginners - November 2017 (Page 11)

by csharp
function to find inorder BST
Given input 34 74 32 23 33 72 81 6 output should be 81 74 72 34 33 32 23 6 #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; //...
[2 replies] Last: output should be 81 74 72 34 33 32 23 6 Why? You don’t put any con... (by Enoizat)
How to store character more than 1 and use it in selection
I don't know how to use selection if the character is more than 1 (ex: code=="B34") since char can only be used for single chara cout<<"Enter categ...
[2 replies] Last: I assume that code is a char array so you need to use strcmp - http:/... (by Thomas1965)
by cash
what does this line exactly do
what does the ? do in this case. string menu=DailySchedule .emergency==1?"true":"false";
[3 replies] Last: I believe it would be: if (DailySchedule .emergency == 1) { stri... (by joe864864)
call a void function that will be passed the 2 arrays
Hello, Could you provide the code to perform the following task below. declare 2 arrays that can each store a maximum of 20 double type values in...
[3 replies] Last: Google, StackOverflow, right here. Chances are someone has had your sa... (by joe864864)
I don't know to make the output
I'm just doing whatever I know but.... I don't know how to make it appear like the output the question need So, this is the question Write a program to create...
[9 replies] Last: sorry... I didn't learn array yet, so I just use the variable one by o... (by starry999)
how to get a char to ASCII number i want to enter a sentence and come out one word at a time /* lab8_1.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #inclu...
[no replies]
by srk100
File and Sorting
Hey...I am trying to do this but I need help. I tried my program but the errors don't seem to go away. Below is the question I have to do and following that is ...
[13 replies] Last: Ok here is a cleaner version, partially fixed, got rid of the unnecess... (by hokiepokie100)
Help with updating the cart function from a class
Hello I am having a really hard time trying to get my Update Quantity function to work. And I'm not sure why. Everything else in my code works. Here is the sp...
[5 replies] Last: It's hard to say why you're getting an error since we only see fragmen... (by EtDecius)
Trying to implement functions to identify user/computer selections
Hi, I'm trying to make a program that allows the user to play rock paper scissors against the computer. I have it working perfectly without the functions, but I...
[5 replies] Last: I figured it out! I was declaring the functions and the variables horr... (by ebun101)
by Kaue
asterisk diamond
im creating a C++ program to make an asterisk diamond (*) based on the input of the user. Eventually i would have to use a function but aside form that, im havi...
[4 replies] Last: Try to think of this in smaller parts. Isn't a diamond just 2 pyramids... (by joe864864)
basic encrypt
hi, i want to write a program who do a simple encrypt on a txt file below i put my questions. sorry for my bad english. if I forgot some library or did I put to...
[6 replies] Last: for autonomous way I meant I would want the subject to write a text fi... (by Timbuctu)
Displaying Array numbers in reverse order?
Hello, I have an assignment due tomorrow, which requires a basic array code to enter 5 numbers and have those numbers be displayed in reverse order. Here's the ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! And it does! Problem solved! (by JustMcCollum)
In C++ What are the differences between Map<> and Set<>
In C++ What are the differences between Map<> and Set<> Why would you use one rather than the other ?
[1 reply] : Start by reading: http://ww... (by keskiverto)
Battleship game help!
I am nearly done with creating my battleship game. It uses a 10x10 game board and has 5 ships. I am however having problems with my one class where it says that...
[3 replies] Last: userwincount and oppwincount either need to be globals (poor idea) or ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by f2200j
problem with output display
The program reads value from a file and calculates the future value and then displays them. If any value is negative or zero it says the value has to be greater...
[9 replies] Last: Hello fj2200, The call to calculateFutureValue(100.00, 0.0008, 36) ... (by Handy Andy)
embedded systems
Hi guys so I have a long way to go before I start embedded programming,but it's a topic I m very interested in,I hear c is used more so than c++ for embedded sy...
[4 replies] Last: you can use ADruino sim softwares from the link below, some are free s... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Derived Class of Account Class - CDAccount
I have been Learning about Base and Derive Classes in my C++ class and on a recent assignment, my professor instructions are confusing me when creating one of t...
[3 replies] Last: Is the access to annualInterestRate in the base class private (the def... (by lastchance)
classes and files
the following code needs to display the number of characters, lines and spaces in a file. Can you tell me what is the way to put what's in the main() function ...
[3 replies] Last: the task is to use a class A ‘struct’ is a class where members a... (by Enoizat)
Multi-dimensional arrays
Hello, got stuck (again) and this time with arrays. My task is: In a text file there is given a multi-dimensional array, which is made n rows and m columns. Fin...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks lastchance. (by LoneImprover)
Loop counter advice
Still working on the same code that I asked previously, and onto a new task: I now need to add a counter to the main() that will keep track of how many times i...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, you've been a great help. (by ashley50)
November 2017 Pages: 1... 910111213... 33
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