Beginners - October 2015 (Page 56)

Am trying too much too soon
Hi, im currently attempting to learn c++ by myself, I have understood a little and wanted to try this program. The aim of this is to get the user to input a des...
[3 replies] Last: I'm also a total beginner, but: Further to what Yanson said: if you ... (by Dazzer)
by Dazzer
C style strings, pointers, chars etc.
I'm struggling to get my head around C style strings, pointers, chars etc. In the following bit of code i believe i've created a C-stlye string. So, const c...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, thanks! (by Dazzer)
Multiple values on an array
Hello, I need to make a memory game where I have a static array with max of 20 strings and then I need to allocate it to a dynamic array and have the words mult...
[no replies]
by Arquon
An exercise which has a very long number
Hello, I got this exercise which has a very big number, and I cant get to display it all without those e things. What I need to get is 18446744073709550000, but...
[9 replies] Last: I was using long long before, but the result wasnt as similiar as with... (by Arquon)
write variable to string
This is my first program in C++. I have written this same program in vb already. This seems like it should be very simple. I have this bit of code. unsign...
[11 replies] Last: That is correct MiiNiPaa. But I just went ahead and compared to 85 an... (by rlwhiterose)
by Winsu
virtual destructor (1,2)
I have created a hierarchy with a common base... but I'm having trouble when I create an object of my most derived class...I think it doesn't know which destru...
[27 replies] Last: ok, thanks (by Winsu)
I'm a Beginner and there are some problems I do not solve.
HI. I am new in cplusplus. May I ask something basic? Variable initialization "string" is not working for me. But int, float, char, and double is working. On...
[12 replies] Last: Good luck, but IMO one can never excel when using outdated tools. (by jlb)
graphics is not working in dev C++
Hi, I have download the graphics.h and the libbgi.a files and i gave placed in the path of C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\include\graphics.h and C:\...
[2 replies] Last: Orwell's Dev-C++ is now at version 5.11, 5.5.3 is quite old. http://o... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
C - Creating and stacking pointers
Hello. I want to fill an array-based stack that takes void* with int* and have the values those pointers point to match the "i" variable in a loop. The problem...
[no replies]
How to randomly choose an index from an array?
Hello, How can I print randomly an index from an array, like can i have a sample code? ex. string items = {"item1", "item2", "item3", "item4", "item5"...
[3 replies] Last: (by John081366)
help with functions?
hello im writing this program and it's a little bit tiresome so my question is it possible to make this for loop part a function? so i can just call it everyt...
[2 replies] Last: thanks it works :D (by MikeLitoris344)
Operator Overloading << to print out vector
I am trying overload the operator << so that I can print out all my vectors in polly; I have one error inside the polygon class, inside my operator overload...
[7 replies] Last: And the point of all your waffle is? That your waffle had none. An... (by cire)
How do I only put the # of the line?
I have a program that searches through a list of names. The user is to input the name and the program finds the name and is supposed to say the # of the line th...
[3 replies] Last: Assuming the line number is separated from the name by a space: void... (by cire)
structure assignment
How to write a structure with below member variables string1-name string2-address unsigned integer- age what did i done wrong in the code below stru...
[3 replies] Last: if you dont know how much char your string can take , start by a cons... (by Ericool)
double int, array operator overloading!
int main() { myvector a(2); myvector b(2); cout << a.size(); a = 0.0; a = 2.0; b = 1.0; b = 2.0; ...
[2 replies] Last: did you implemented a assignment operator ? (=) . (by Ericool)
While Loop Sum of Squares
[8 replies] Last: You enter in a number, let's say 3. sum = 0, n = 3 The program squar... (by integralfx)
Hi everyone! im writing a code, and im requested to use execptions. my question- where do i put the "throw" calls? in the main> in the function? in the class? a...
[4 replies] Last: thanks :) (by Mor1994)
operator[] overloading
I want overloading operator change my cpp file!. my header file, main function is here! help me! #ifndef myvector_h #define myvector_h #endif ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> using namespace std; class myvector { pri... (by DyslexicChciken)
by dredey
if-else and nesting problem//cell phone code
Plan A, 400 minutes : amount due is $39.99 Plan A, 480 minutes : amount due is $53.49 Plan B, 900 minutes : amount due is $59.99 Plan B, 920 minutes : amount...
[1 reply] : There are some logic problems, and some stylistic issues. I will discu... (by ats15)
by mrsh
I have three loops and i want to combine them to form a matrix where MX is the coordinate in the matrix.How can i form a matrix with 3 different loops? #inc...
[2 replies] Last: THANks:) (by mrsh)
October 2015 Pages: 1... 54555657
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