General C++ Programming - July 2012 (Page 11)

by Dns
Give more than one value to one variable?
I want to give the variable X some values, let's say: 1,2,3 Then I want to check if X has the value 2 or not? Is it possible? How can write it? Thanks!
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { int x ; x = 1; x = 2... (by Zephilinox)
a set of scruct
hi everybody, i'm new of c++ programming. i'd like to create a set of object defined throw a struct. i wrote this: typedef std::set<terminal,std::less...
[6 replies] Last: sorry ne555 it should be like that #include <set> #include <algori... (by theStorx)
Syntax questions
I've been reading the others' code to try and learn how to extract wav sample data. In one of the examples I came across, there was an area that confused me. Th...
[7 replies] Last: So in other words this is a shortcut to zero out all the members of a ... (by LittleStudios)
Referencing a Matrix within a String
Let me start by saying, I've been on a two-year hiatus from C++(my knowledge of C++ was pretty lacking before the break), so please tell me how wrong anything I...
[2 replies] Last: I'd like to calculate every time, as I want to add more scales and var... (by DeadH34d)
get information from files
we know for exemple files has caracteristics like name,time,size I am lookimg for a function or a manner to get that information help me please and thnk...
[1 reply] : If your OS carries it, you can use the stat.h header http://en.wikipe... (by Moschops)
by QIZI94
Char Fields [ ]
Hi guys, I was looking for some tutorial or topic on google, but i didn't find it. I need some function or something to determine how many fields are used, for...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys it was useful :) (by QIZI94)
by rollie
Efficient argument passing for c++11
If I have a vector class, I might have a push_back method like: template <typename T> class Vector { void push_back(const T & _val) { // Veri...
[4 replies] Last: Hmm, that makes sense. So just template <typename U> void push_back(... (by rollie)
error C3892: 'std::_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator
plz help me for this error and ... (visual studio 2010) void file_remove(u32 id, int action) { file f; = id; file_set::iterator i = fs.find(f)...
[2 replies] Last: http://up.vbira... (by vahidch)
Loading arrays from a text file
I have a data storing console app, and it works like a charm but i have no way of saving the array data,(I have included fstream, to save the data to text),is t...
[4 replies] Last: thank you (by CNoob97)
problam with service
hi i want create a service in C++ i use this code #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define szSvcName TEXT("abc") #define SV...
[no replies]
Problem with function returning vector<node*>
Can someone tell me why the following happens: #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std; class node{ public: int f;...
[2 replies] Last: wow,didn't knew that... Thanks a lot Peter87!!! (by Ihtisham)
Linked List function problems
Hi guys. Thanks for yesterday's help.I still have a few problems. The AddMiddleNode function doesnt not work properly even though I worked it out alot of times....
[1 reply] : On line 92, did you mean == instead of =? (by Peter87)
Hi! I need boot DOS with CDROM SATA but doesn't work. I'm using "oakcdrom.sys" in config.sys. Could you help me?? Thanks
[no replies]
add two number
#include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> int main() { int num1,num2,sum; cout<<"enter the first number that you want to add\n"; cin>>num1; cout<<"enter t...
[3 replies] Last: come on guys appreciate the effort This how to add two strings abel1... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
C++ using gcroot in header file for managed class
I'm redesigning my code, so its a mess for now, mostly because this wrapper wont work in header files: #include "Editor.h" #include <vcclr.h> using na...
[3 replies] Last: bump... Nobody? (by miguel petersen)
I'm doing a project that requires the user to type in the phonetic sounds. For example, th. Then the program will play a wave file that produce th sound. As ...
[1 reply] : Give the location as part of the FILENAME2, such that by the time you'... (by Moschops)
TicTacToe Program
So I was asked to design my Tic-Tac-Toe game again, and I got most of the way through it in about 5 hours. I kept making stupid errors that set me back half an ...
[3 replies] Last: Why not just use a character instead ? I didn't think about that. I... (by Volatile Pulse)
Question about varargs
Hey guys! So, I just read a good article on using var_lists. I was wondering if there was a way to check if another argument exists in a list. Does anyone kn...
[6 replies] Last: > In my opinion, it's much easier to use nested insertion The print(... (by JLBorges)
Test Scores using Arrays and User Input
Ok. THis is my first post but I'm having some problems with this assignment and Ive tried a lot of different things and I can't seem to figure it out.
[1 reply] : Please put code tags around your code, and format appropriately. When ... (by rollie)
Class Overloading ostream Operators
Alright guys, I've been trying to help a friend out with a small side project and have never overloaded the ostream operators before and figured this would be a...
[12 replies] Last: I keep forgetting to save my header file before I build. Apparently, I... (by Volatile Pulse)
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