General C++ Programming - July 2012 (Page 9)

by akramm
i would to Correction this source
hello all i would to Correction this sources of game and thnx #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> char arr ={"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "}; int...
[2 replies] Last: This is horribly written code with bizarre, cryptic variable names, us... (by Moschops)
Making a text based game using a Queue List.
This is a recent queue list I made in class. I was wondering how I would make a game out of this. I know you guys are probably saying that if I made this code t...
[no replies]
GCC/C::B problem (A tragedy in 2 Acts)
The other day, I was able to successfully download and install gcc 4.7.1 on my winXP laptop. PATH variable was set, g++ --version at the command prompt yielde...
[no replies]
by Tresky
Lua with C++
I've heard people talk about Lua as a scripting language and how useful it is, but I've also heard people say that they integrate Lua with their C++ programs. W...
[6 replies] Last: We provide optimization web services, i.e. people send us data through... (by kev82)
SDL Bitmap Loading Issue?
#include <SDL/SDL.h> int main(int argc, char *argv ) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL_Surface *screen = NULL; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 16, SDL...
[9 replies] Last: I will try both of those. Thank you. Edit: It worked. Thank you :D. (by Nathaniel Sheller)
Am I understanding this code correctly?
This approach may be unconventional. In the code submitted I commented what I understood and any questions or areas I was confused about. Thanks to anyone who i...
[19 replies] Last: I spoke with some of the VST developers over at the community ... (by LittleStudios)
Hello! I am a beginning c++ programmer, and I was learning the language by practicing a problem. However, I have a problem in my code and I can't figure out wha...
[11 replies] Last: Okay, I see! It works now, my window just wasn't big enough and was cu... (by bbobthorton10)
Wait file .bat
Hi! How can I wait seconds with file .bat? Thanks
[4 replies] Last: Then stick this in there: :sleep ping -n 2 -w 1000 > NUL p... (by Stewbond)
Values not being set when Constructor is called
I'm coding a game in Allegro, but this problem seems to go beyond that. Whenever I create an object, the constructor doesn't seem to be setting the values of me...
[3 replies] Last: One final update on the subject. I just realized the difference betwee... (by Liuqahs15)
Running a single file in NetBeans IDE ?
Hi, I have recently started using the NetBeans IDE for writing C++ code. I configured it to use the G++ Compiler and everything is working fine but i have a...
[1 reply] : There is a good reason for Netbeans telling you that. You can't have m... (by Tresky)
by Owain
Learning OpenGL
Hello, I want to learn OpenGL so that I can create a 3D game engine to base an open-world zombie game on. I am having trouble learning about OpenGL however. I h...
[8 replies] Last: That looks about right. The previous edition still deals with the unho... (by Moschops)
by Laveer
If window exists
I'm trying to have a project scan for a window, and if the window found then have the application kill itself. For some reason I can't get if Window working cor...
[1 reply] : Since you are using .net, my guess is that you have the arguments to F... (by webJose)
by Sava
The best C++11 IDE+compiler ?
Hello ! I am currently using DevC++ which comes packed with a recent version of MinGW. However, I ran into a couple of inconsistencies or bugs. I was ...
[3 replies] Last: I am using DevC++ 5.0.2.something (not 3, it's older), And I installed... (by viliml)
Building problems using Arrays
Hi, I started programming in C++ two weeks ago, I am working now on DSP with C++ (I have Matlab experience), and I'm stuck with something. I use Eclipse and Win...
[3 replies] Last: If you compile with the -g option (for g++ at least) it should tell yo... (by CoAstroGeek)
convert unsigned char to string and string to unsigned char?
Hi all; I want to ask : how to convert unsigned char to string and string to unsigned char? Ayoob
[3 replies] Last: Don't worry, I already checked it when I posted it. (by viliml)
Cross Platform
I did some programming in VBA, now I trying to learn C++ Can I use C++ to create cross-platform? Does the cross-platform depends on the on the language or o...
[4 replies] Last: Your source code is what needs to be cross-platform. There are differ... (by P C)
by Tresky
Making a Project
I'm starting a project to make a game, but before I get knee deep into the project... any tips on what needs to be in every project? Any specific classes that h...
[5 replies] Last: Do a written outline of how you plan to code the entire thing before y... (by Liuqahs15)
Vector declaration giving problem
Why is it that this throws a SIGSEGV signal when debugging? Here is my .h file showing the declaration #ifndef PAYMENT_H #define PAYMENT_H #include...
[11 replies] Last: @Framework: maybe I should have asked "when". There is a capacity() ... (by ne555)
by xchan
allegro c++ 5 bitmap
iv got a problem, actually this is a problem for me, in which my cursor bitmap is below my player bitmap, im so noob i cant get it in google and youtube. please...
[2 replies] Last: i told you im noob XD came up to an idea with your help. thanks it wa... (by xchan)
mmioOpen question in C++
I'm sure that I'm making a dumb mistake somewhere. I found a tutorial of sorts on how to read into a .wav. Here is a snippet from the code. HMMIO handle = m...
[10 replies] Last: Just did a little reading at Microsoft, I guess mmioOpen() has been de... (by LittleStudios)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 7891011... 30
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