General C++ Programming - June 2017 (Page 11)

Read & write text file issues
I'm afraid I'm just going round and round in circles and not actually making any progress. I need the program to open both an input and output file from the c...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks so much for all your advice. I'm going to throw this code out t... (by Airynoob72)
Program not compiling on different PC
Hey, We have a program, which we are compiling by this particular makefile: COMPILER_CPP = g++ OBJ = o COMPILER_FLAGS = -g -c # COMPILER_FLAGS = -g -...
[5 replies] Last: std::ifstream in(input_file); // (by JLBorges)
What's wrong with my Iterator?
Here I'm trying to implement a simple forward iterator working with arrays. All works fine but the -> operator. What is missed for getting the -> to work? #...
[7 replies] Last: It's just awesome what effort some members lay in their posts. Thanks. (by nuderobmonkey)
Hitting "Enter" to continue
In a text based, C++, game I would like the user to have to hit enter (with a text setup saying "hit enter to continue...") as a function that runs whenever I t...
[1 reply] : A good start, if a bit long, would be reading this: Console Closing D... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by jdeep
Pointers program
Write a very simple program that uses two for loops and ONLY pointers and pointer arithmetic (NO other variables are allowed) to display a palindrome forward th...
[2 replies] Last: let me give you a hint... the first for loop is to get the last posiot... (by KANATA1)
June 2017 Pages: 1... 91011
  Archived months: [may2017] [jul2017]

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