General C++ Programming - November 2014 (Page 32)

Help. C/C++ Save Ascii Characters (Api Windows)
Hello! I need to save in a file (txt) the characters ascii (for example "☺") when some press Alt+number. I dont know how to do it. Ill searche...
[no replies]
Need help on this question ASAP please!!!
A simulation program can be used to model a system for testing purposes. One application of a system simulation is to determine the impact of component failure....
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Number Pyramid
Hi all! I'm trying to make a program that makes a number pyramid that looks like this: Enter the number of lines: 7 1 2 1 2 ...
[1 reply] : #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> using namespace... (by Esslercuffi)
Maps Question
I am currently working on a homework assignment. A question asks.... "Can a map be declared with int as the key data type (i.e. map<int, sometype>m)? ...
[3 replies] Last: Yes if you can provide meaningful operator < or custom comparator. #... (by MiiNiPaa)
Referencing a 2D array in order to sort strings
I am utterly confused on how to set up a function that references a 2D array and compares he strings of each. How do I fix this. Here is my code for sort...
[2 replies] Last: Also, you have duplicates declarations of char BubbleSort (char Name... (by ostar2)
read file into array
how to reading a one column unknown file and in to array?
[no replies]
Postorder Binary Search Tree
I want to print postorder of a binary search tree . Here is my code bool BINARY_SEARCH_TREE<T>::insertNode(BSTNode<T> *&p, T newKey) { if (p) { ...
[8 replies] Last: Ok,, thks, i finally complete it (by nightmaregiba)
length and breadth of rectangle is 10(cm).default unit is cm.if another unit is entered it should be converted into negative values should be accepted. ...
[1 reply] : Why did you start a new thread? (by pheininger)
avoiding negative integers
i have the following code kit://-----------------------------------------------------------------------kit starts here { int a,h=200; cin>>a; cout<<endl...
[5 replies] Last: @mutexe u guessed all my variables right.... BRAVO........... i didn... (by shadder)
How to create Cgi program using C++?
Hey Viewer. Please recomend cgi library and descript how to create it?
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Binary search Tree adding this->root gives segment fault
Hello I am getting an error when I add this->root in all my functions: bst::hwareItem* bst:: findNode(hwareItem*& root, char barcode ){ if(this->root==N...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys I solved it... The logic was messing up because I was rep... (by csstudent123)
by zainy
2D array matrix
A program that fills the right-to-left diagonal of a square matrix with 0s, yhe lower right triangle with -1s, and the upper left triangle with +1s. The output ...
[2 replies] Last: Edited Konstantin2's algorithm to work with any matrix of size s for ... (by zoran404)
How do I make multyplayer
Im currently working on a dungeon crawler and I was wanting to make multiplayer... I just don't know were to start, could you guys suggest sites were I can lear...
[1 reply] : Are you talking about multiplayer on the same computer or on different... (by Peter87)
How to shut down the console window of a c++ program without waiting for the key stroke after showing results in console window
How to terminate a c++ program after showing the results in console window.Do not wait for the key stroke.
[5 replies] Last: The wait thing might be something that your IDE is doing. Try run your... (by Peter87)
Getting an anoyying error
//error// error lnk2019 unresolved external symbol //code// main.cpp- #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #include <string> #include <conio.h> ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks it worked :) (by limitedaura)
by Glaven
User Array Size and Sorting User Input
I am making program that allows the user to determine how big the array size will be and then asks the user to make up numbers to fill the array. Every time run...
[3 replies] Last: Computers are too stupid to do things out of order. You have to ask th... (by Duthomhas)
Creating a stand alone function that works with member functions?
Thanks to some previous help I was able to get this program running. Now I working on taking one of my member functions and turning it into a standalone functio...
[2 replies] Last: I'm confused as to why you are trying to do this. First, you want to a... (by Duthomhas)
[solved] Creating header files with functions
Hey guys, so I currently have a running program "game.cpp" that runs a game of tic tack toe. I want to split the working functions into header files so that gam...
[11 replies] Last: I got it, thanks for all of the help guys! (by YumBerrys)
Last line is printed twice on output file
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> // returnDataType functionName(DataTypeOfParameterList); using namespace std; int main() { ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh wow. it worked thank you. (by hunterwardle)
by Jweim
Logic - Writing input to .txt
So I'm trying to take some information that a user inputs and to then write it into a .txt file. The user would input a student ID followed by 4 quiz grades. I ...
[2 replies] Last: I still don't have a clue on how to structure this. Below is what I've... (by Jweim)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 303132
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