Half assed learning

I'm on a holiday right now,,
seems like I have so much in mind right now.
I want to make Game, Web Crawler, Image recognition program, Website, AI and many more.

I tend to jump from one project to another everyday.
Start learning stuff then stop learning the next day to start learning another stuff.
I thought this is probably what happens when you don't have a deadline.

They are all just for hobby after all.
Then I got to think that if this keeps up I probably won't finish any project at all.

Is it wrong to think that way ?

and also, I am curious,
what do programmers do on holidays ?
a) i suggest learning github as it can really help keep you organized and productive
b) i was like you, but that just means you havent found a project that keeps your interest piqued

I have found myself in that situation, but I could never bring myself to start on one project without finishing what I was already working on. What you need is a calendar, and you need to schedule your time. If you want to finish somthing from beginning to end, but can't do it without straying, then you should try a planner + a wall calendar. I have found mine to be particularly helpful in bringing myself into line. If you buy one of those dry-erase calendars, you won't have to spend extra on paper refills, and you can use the planner to fill in details about the tasks you're planning. That's what I do, and I find it works really well. The wall calendar is nice, because it allows you to take a brief look, at a brief outline of what you plan to do, whithout much work (no opening a book, etc...).

Of course, if you aren't hellbent on upping your game like me, then you shouldn't be too worried. :)
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I'm kinda like that, but I've got one HUGE project which I am committed to, although this doesn't stop me from testing out other little things or trying new areas of programming from time to time... I just try and limit how many side projects I'll start (inevitably to abandon) within a space of so much time.

My huge project is a cross-platform 3D (and 2D) Game engine.
My current side project is replicating a friends code (I've got him interested in programming and gave him some good resources to try out), he likes making like sub-systems to games to test out the new things he's learning. i.e. An EXP system to work with variables, operators, functions and program flow.

My side project is basically taking his concepts and designing "model" solutions to them, then I show why I've done things in particular ways instead of maybe certain things that he's done, etc... It's all in the name of spreading knowledge XD
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