trigonometric problem

Hello. I need to solve this:
Thank you in advance.
Hello. I need to solve this with trigonometric functions not result in approximation!
But it already uses trigonometric functions.
If you do it in C++ the result will be an approximation.

But if you did want to write it in C++, remember cot = 1/tan and angles are in radians rather than degrees.

Its not a C++ problem, its math problem. And I mean formulas. But thanks. I need the steps. The answer is:
I have the answer but I dont have the steps. I have been trying to solve this for four hours without luck.
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It's a long time since I solved any problem like this. But a couple of thoughts, anything involving trig functions and sqrt(3) makes me think in terms of angles like 60 degrees and 30 degrees.
example sin(60) = cos(30) = sqrt(3)/2

Now an interesting thing about the question is the angles 12 and 18. 12+18 = 30.
There are a lot of relationships between different trigonometric functions, expressing one in terms of the other and so on. I suggest you look up some of the formulae for those relationships (sorry, I don't remember them now).

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Thank you. I will try again tomorrow.
Can anyone help me?
I have solved the problem after eight hours.
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What does the g stand for in cotg?
Maybe "cotangent of angle in gradians"?

As an aside, am I the only one who thinks the reciprocal trigonometric functions are just garbage?
All you need is sin
Wasn't that a Beatles number?
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