How would the SAW killer test a hacker?

Pages: 1234
closed account (367kGNh0)
If you don't know who the fictional person John Kramer is, you'll have to do some research to understand this post well. But anyway:

Say there is a guy who obtains £4Mil via hacking. Nobody knew is identity except John Kramer, how would he be tested? My idea is:

(Hacker wakes up in a locked room, a mechanical noose is around his neck. His feet are cuffed to the a chair and his hands are positioned between the screen and keyboard of a folded laptop)

*flicks open laptop, and the saw puppet appears on the screen in a static video*

"Hello Ben, I want to play a game, you possess a valuable skill. Your advantage had the power to expose the secrets of the government, test the security of a company, but you wasn't interested in that was you? Rather than working for your earnings you preferred earning the work of others, in such a way that they couldn't prevent. Now this state of confinement is on you. Before you is the very tool you used to obtain your undeserving wealth, altered as you altered the amount of money in my neice's bank account. On the screen in the code capable of returning the £4mil to the bank, all that's missing in the console is the very amount of money you took, notice the lazers on the side of the keyboard, every key you press will cause a lazer to burn off the finger you use. You have 60 seconds to type in the 4 and six zeroes, don't forget to hit enter. Faliure in doing so will cause the noose to raise, and leave your secret hanging. Live or die the choice is yours..."

How do you think he'd test a hacker?
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*Ben wakes up in an unfamiliar room that's part of a large, maze-like, booby-trapped, dusty, falling apart, and creepy 10 story mansion.*

"Ben, would you like to play a game? Find your way out of this manor while avoiding death around every corner. You have 3 hours to flee this place before it all comes crashing down over your head. But there's one more way out. Outside the room is a computer. Simply wire me $14Mil and I'll give you a map of the manor that will guide you to the second floor but not a step further. However, exiting the building means that police are notified and sent evidence of your crime... You may or may not survive the horrors along the way, it'll be up to your wits too stay alive. Just as you have stolen money from under someone's nose, I now threaten to steal your life and your freedom. Was the money worth it? Run around and try to escape, or stay there and die rich, the choice is yours."
closed account (367kGNh0)
Nice one, zapshe! I like how the ending proves his gained wealth has no use, infact the opposite!
Thanks, was half dead when I typed it xD
closed account (367kGNh0)
Again impressive, it looks like it was drafted and RE WRITTEN!
closed account (367kGNh0)
Nobody else..? Oh well, shame, I really was looking forward to the creativity which lies in the brains of the other coders.
They might not know about John Kramer. Even I don't know about him, I simply copied the personality the brought in with your example.
closed account (367kGNh0)
I don't know about him

Not even the movies SAW?
I saw the movies while younger, so I don't remember John Kramer. I do remember the way people had to escape though, intense stuff!
closed account (367kGNh0)
Woah, hopefully not too young! What trap, well I won't say favourite as that'd sound sadistic, impressed you the most in creativity, I thought the carousel one was quite interesting, "6 ride the carousel but only 2 can get off." and they take turns around the wheel to see if they live or die.
Was pretty young xD ! I don't remember much, hopefully this is the right movie, but it was the scene where the guy had to endure something stabbing into his hand in order to save the lives of his friends. If he got too scared to have his hand injured, the person would die. I remember thinking he must have been really bias, because in the end he could only endure it to save the girls XD!
closed account (367kGNh0)
I remember thinking he must have been really bias, because in the end he could only endure it to save the girls XD!

Yep that is a scene, but I think he spared them as there was the risk of them being pregnant

is it your favourite trap? Mine too!
I'm sure his libido was the deciding factor, personally xD !

More like one of the few traps I recall. I like intellectual traps more myself. A trap where there's a way out through intelligent thought. SAW and such mostly had traps that made them endure pain and lose body parts. If I was in some of those traps where I would have to lose in order to save lives, I'd be a stick in the mud and tell him, "Kill'em, not like I care." And see how long it takes for him to get pissed at me and try to make me amputate myself.
closed account (367kGNh0)
Guy deleted his post. Ignore
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closed account (367kGNh0)
I did fail to assent to two of your claims however,

I'd be a stick in the mud and tell him, "Kill'em, not like I care.
Even your parents? Their if I obtained no sympathy from their frantic desperacy to see the sun rise once more, I would probably put myself in an asylum for the criminally insane.

I like intellectual traps more myself.
But those may just be the most unjust. Most general blokes, despite temerity being a problem most of the time, will know how hack of their own foot, but not every bloke possesses the intellect to solve a puzzle. A scientist would have an advantage over a moron in an intellectual trap. But both have an equal chance in a sacrificial trap.
closed account (367kGNh0)
+ found these little movie extras. A twist on several nursery rhymes. Thought I would make my own

"Jack and his mother, bore not a penny
Perhaps they would return to their feet
if they sold their cow, Bessy.

So away he went, and fortune came
Somebody did take Jack's offer
And in return gave him grain.

Later he returned home, eager to reveal
But his mother further grieved
to find he possessed barely a deal

'You have sold our only cow for beans, now we will surely die' she remissed
And tossed away the pulses
Into the abyss

Broken, Jack wept
and without another word
they both slept

The next day the sun
was not the only thing that rose
so did a gigantic stalk from the beans
to two simply froze

"climb the plant, and reach the peak
perhaps at the pinnacle
lies fruit to compensate our share of bleak"
demanded Jack's mother

Trembling, Jack ascended
and all he could say was "woah"
for summit bore no nourishment
instead a chateau

But to my dissapointment, that's as far as I can go.
For the fate of jack
is something nobody got to know.

The moral, don't prosper into a location you are oblivious to
for thought it may be sactuary,
it may be your tomb"
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Even your parents? Their if I obtained no sympathy from their frantic desperacy to see the sun rise once more, I would probably put myself in an asylum for the criminally insane.

Probably. Being in that situation means people will die anyway, may as well make it unenjoyable for him.

But those may just be the most unjust. Most general blokes, despite temerity being a problem most of the time, will know how hack of their own foot, but not every bloke possesses the intellect to solve a puzzle. A scientist would have an advantage over a moron in an intellectual trap. But both have an equal chance in a sacrificial trap.

I do value intelligence. Getting all those people in the death traps to begin with successfully sounds unlikely. But, assuming he was able to, it would be more entertaining to see the characters try to look for ways to escape or break the system.

A lot of the mechanisms used seem like they could be tampered with, dismantled, or just plain destroyed if the characters actually used their heads enough. It reminds of me the anime Spiral The Bonds of Reasoning.
closed account (367kGNh0)

A lot of the mechanisms used seem like they could be tampered with, dismantled, or just plain destroyed if the characters actually used their heads enough. It reminds of me the anime Spiral The Bonds of Reasoning.

But ideally that would not be possible.

So in a sense. Those who take time to analyse and think are more worthy to survive? Those who failed to solve the intricate puzzle are simply rejects, and must die?
But ideally that would not be possible.

Yes, but just ideally. That's why intellect is important, you know things can't be perfect and so you'll find the weaknesses you can take advantage of for your survival.

So in a sense. Those who take time to analyse and think are more worthy to survive? Those who failed to solve the intricate puzzle are simply rejects, and must die?

Not must die, but less likely to survive when their life depends on them being able to.
closed account (367kGNh0)
Not must die, but less likely to survive when their life depends on them being able to.

But why should the less witty be put at a greater risk. They are "compensating" for their wrongdoing, not their lack of intellect.
Pages: 1234