Turboscreen news

Hi guys

Turboscreen has been on hold because i needed to work in another project. Some people defy me to write a kind of specification to "battle" with JSON and XML. I've been on this for 2 weeks and i am loving every minute of it. This is a very small and humble project when compared with JSON and XML. But write this down. It's gonna kick ass. LOL.

Have a taste of it in: http://www.b-e-d.org

Note: later i will try to implement it in C++

Health to everybody

Forgotten Coder
json is very simple. run from xml :)
Your choice for begin tag/end tab will make it difficult to detect/fix errors.
Jonnin my B-E-D is different from JSON and XML. It has another rules.
kbw you can detect/fix any error you want. You only have a pair of tags per line.
How should I include newlines in my data, and how do I put escape the strings "<D>", "<B>", or "<E>" in case I want those literal strings as data?
Hi Ganado. Each type of line has a set of rules.
A B line has a set of rules.
A E line has a set of rules.
A D line has a set of rules.
Even bed file in general has a set of rules.

You can put <B> , <E>, <D>, and whatever you like inside a D line only. Only the outside D tags will count has delimiters.
<D>Ganado is saying that you write a <D> tag to begin and end a data tag. But now this file thinks there's a bunch of <D> objects even though there is only one <D> object in total<D>
<D>1. I guess this might be one way to write multiple data objects<D><D>2. So if you want to talk about <B> inside a <D>, you will need to know about the next tag beforehand...? This could be difficult to parse correctly...<D>
<D>Now it would be easier to parse a data file if I were able to create a rule to help parse the (<D>) tag so that I can give directions for using the (<D>) tag from it's own data file<D>
## Personally, I'm more curious if there's a preferred way to add comments in the file. ##
<D> Feel the power!<D>
<D>I think there could be the ability to reference a label/tag in the file: ($THEPOWER). This could be fun to play with<D>

The worst part about dealing with the public is the people.
This has been interesting to think about, thank you.
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Hi newbieg

Must have at least 2 <D> per row in a D row.
Only the most external <D> count.
Before <D> must have only level.
And after level you will now what kind of row is going to be.
A <D> row, a <B> row or a <E> row.

So this is valid:

02<D> bla bla <D>
02<D><D> bla bla <D><D>
02<D> <B>wew <B> wwee<D>wee <E>sdsd <E> <D>

So this is invalid:

lklklk <D>

If you want a comment just make the field for it

02<D> bla bla bla <D>

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Must have at least 2 <D> per row in a D row.
Only the most external <D> count.

Am I correct in my understanding that return character ends a row?
If you can't put a return character in a <D> row I would consider that a problem.
Hi wilsonphillps05

A BED file is a normal text file. I am using Windows 10. So last chars in row are Carriage-Return (CR) 0d and Line-Feed(LF) 0a.
But that doesn't count for BED specification. Each line ends with <B>, <E> or <D>.

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But that doesn't count for BED specification. Each line ends with <B>, <E> or <D>.

Can you explain further? What about CRLF, LFCR, CR endings on Window, MacOS and Unix? Are they present or missing? And what happens when you encounter a file encoded on a different platform?
Hi kbw

BED are supposed to be text files. Each platform treats line ending in a different form. What i am saying is that a line like this


is the same for all systems regardless line ending.
is this valid?

Hi wilsonphilips05

That is not valid because <D> lines are invalid. Data lines begin with <D> and end with <D>.



and this one is valid too:

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So there is no way to put multiple lines of data in a <D> tag?
Hi wilsonphillips05

No. It's 2 <D> per line. Begins and closes on same row/line like the other tags.

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