Lounge - December 2018

Benefit of competitive programming
What is the use of competitive programming in real life? Why are competitive programmers being offered high packages without much development skill? I am ask...
[6 replies] Last: Sounds like a repeat of the 90s/2000s interview brain teasers. "When ... (by helios)
Where is the admin?
Does the admin exist anymore? Just curious
[2 replies] Last: The rumor is that he uses two (or more) accounts, one for official not... (by Computergeek01)
by Grime
Best programming language for competitive programming?
Is C++ used often?
[3 replies] Last: C++ might be the fastest, but it's rather bare bones which is a proble... (by Thomas1965)
C++ book reviews
Hello everyone. That's what I miss the most in my web surfing. There are quite a few threads about good books to read, all aver this forum. Some of the poste...
[6 replies] Last: Hello all, I get the idea as I review all reponses that I need ( more ... (by mycuser)
Programming languages, to which market they are oriented
When we search the 10 most searched programming languages ​​in Google, we find a generality seen between JS, JAVA, c / c ++ / c #, python, ruby ​​on rai...
[11 replies] Last: Sorry if it's breaking a rule or something (I don't know if it counts ... (by Grime)
Report: Despite High JavaScript Demand, Student Devs Learning Ruby and Python
Despite a gap between the supply of available JavaScript talent and enterprise demand for such skills, student developers are more interested in learning Ruby ...
[no replies]
Visual Studio 2019 Preview
Our pre-release gives you early access to the new features not yet in Visual Studio. Install the Preview right alongside your main release, leaving your produ...
[1 reply] : Thanks for the info; I will take a look at it. (by chicofeo)
COBOL Is Everywhere. Who Will Maintain It?
Think COBOL is dead? About 95 percent of ATM swipes use COBOL code, Reuters reported in April, and the 58-year-old language even powers 80 percent of in-person ...
[19 replies] Last: There's no point in using PC based COBOL compilers. The only reason C... (by kbw)
Open Source .NET – 4 years later
A little over 4 years ago Microsoft announced that they were open sourcing large parts of the .NET framework and as this slide from New Features in .NET Core...
[no replies]
New user edit rights
So another noob has trashed their thread after getting their free food. http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/246678/ For how long can users edit their th...
[5 replies] Last: There was talk about storing previous versions of edits and restoring ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
How to Use The Newest C++ String Conversion Routines - std::from_chars
With C++17 we get another facility to handle the conversion between text and numbers. Why should we care about the new routines? Are they better in any way? ...
[2 replies] Last: from_chars is low-level, and offers the best possible performance. ... (by Ganado)
by Satan
About connecting to websites often
Often times when you're writing programs that need to connect to websites, you'll have to have the program connect to the website very often if not every second...
[3 replies] Last: Peter, that's one more thing that I hadn't considered. Okay so this is... (by Satan)
by uplime
Advent Of Code
Just a friendly reminder that Advent of Code goes live tonight (can't wait!:) ) https://adventofcode.com
[1 reply] : So it's like daily Christmas-themed programming puzzles, cool thanks f... (by Ganado)
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