UNIX/Linux Programming - December 2011 (Page 3)

OPENCV RTSP streaming code
Hi, Is there any available RTSP C/C++ code stream the video packets to embedded device over the network . Is there any APIS calls for the openCV to do ...
[no replies]
no user input throw an exception
i have a program i am working on int main () { int input=0; cout <<"pick a number "; cin>>input ; } how do i check to make sure there is a value input...
[4 replies] Last: That's really a great information you have posted here. keep it up. (by jonathan3880)
problem with chmod command
I have a directory structure in which I'd like to change the permissions on all header files. I tried this command: chmod -R 644 *.h but it just changed...
[10 replies] Last: After all that, it turns out the example still doesn't work. It needs... (by kbw)
installing boost library?
I've encountered a programming error I'm told that can be solved by use of the boost libraries. I downloaded it, and unzipped it, but...the installation instruc...
[5 replies] Last: Can anyone weigh in on this? I've got a real problem that I'm hopeful ... (by mzimmers)
Link local question: selecting specific network adapter when creating socket
Hi all, I am currently having an issue when creating a socket to connect to multiple tcp devices and udp devices using a specific adapter. Here's the scenario:...
[6 replies] Last: The issue is, my 2 tcp devices that I am trying to communicate on eth... (by kbw)
works in windows fine, but in ssh/linux doesnt...
Hey buddies. I have a function. it works in windows very fine but when I try to run it on my linux ssh account, it reports me segmentation fault. If someone can...
[1 reply] : char *temp;//a temp char to use for comparasions temp=strncpy(temp,sc... (by kbw)
I would like to know how to use code completion in vim when adding new libraries. Everything worgs fine with the plugin and ctags, but now that I'm trying to...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for your replies guys, I used vim for a while, understood the c... (by reutsharabani)
by wisuzu
Basic char */const char* problem
I have a problem with some code MyClass.h public: //stuff protected: // stuff char * path; //more stuff void function1(); void function2(); ...
[4 replies] Last: path = dialog.get_filename(); I think that should work. (by ne555)
Monitoring and killing a process that runs too long
Dear all, I have a very simple question: I run a process, and want to know how long it takes in order afterwards to be able to kill it if it runs too long. ...
[5 replies] Last: I have tried this simple example #include <iostream> #include <unis... (by Ksawery)
Convert structor to string
How to convert structor to string?
[14 replies] Last: http://yaml.org/ never used it hough. (by bigearsbilly)
December 2011 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [nov2011] [jan2012]

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