UNIX/Linux Programming - March 2012

Pi calculation
One can calculate the value of Pi in the following way #include <iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int k ; double val=0.0 , nval; f...
[1 reply] : What's the question? (by TheDestroyer)
by Kanj
About installing Qt creator by downloading binaries from qt.nokia.com
Has anyone tried installing Qt creator by downloading binaries from qt.nokia.com? The website recommends downloading the entire SDK which is 700 MB odd in si...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for replying vincegata. I installed it from the repos. (by Kanj)
my first programm
hi friends myself using redhat linux4 and I want to do C & C++ programming on it so tell me the command to install GCC in linux red Hat 4..
[1 reply] : Googled problem got this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/red-... (by eraggo)
exec() functions
Hello, I am struggling with the following situation void CriaFilho(char *prog) { pid_t pid, pidw; int status; char *argexe ={"gcc", "-o", prog, "", (...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks a lot. I have the program up and running. (by goncalp)
lab i have to do
Write a function named allMutipleFive which has two input parameters: number(represents an integer array) and size (the actual size of the array). The function ...
[1 reply] : What exactly do you need help with? Do you have any code? (by firedraco)
Some sort of API to get Linux "file" functionality?
Ok, this is the problem i'm facing: I'm currently writing an application where i need to determine whether a file is text-only no matter what their extension is...
[1 reply] : Maybe boost::filesystem has something that you are looking for. (by Stewbond)
Help with Hash Tables using an array of linked lists the add function in C++
here is my hasht.h #pragma once #include <string> class HashT { public: HashT(void); HashT(int tsize); unsigned int hash_gen(int age_value); //takes...
[no replies]
Stuck with 4 players
I am trying to make a program for a game, and after a couple weeks of getting the 'space', and the while loop to work, I can't have 3 or less players. It will o...
[7 replies] Last: The program now works except for using 3 or less players and only work... (by DiamondDigger)
gdb-many-windows using Emacs
Hi, I'm using Emacs GDB to debug my C++ application. In "locals of" buffer I see all local variables in the current context which I can add to the "Watch ...
[no replies]
by yogs
accessing files from folder
hi i am working in opencv in linux. i am having a folder containing images. how to store all the image locations in a text file and use the image one by one for...
[2 replies] Last: Another way would be to use popen to issue the ls command and you can ... (by Biju Scaria)
What's base address and offset
Hi In one process in linux, what is base address and offset? How can I get these values for one process ?
[2 replies] Last: I think you can't get base and offset pointers from c++. instead, use ... (by majidkamali1370)
How can I add reading from stdin functionality to my multithreaded app?
Hello, I have a two-threaded app (developed with some help around here) that reads quotes (prices) over the sockets in receive_quotes thread and does some calc...
[9 replies] Last: > My getline(cin, input_line) in the main thread (Run() function) also... (by vincegata)
by fishpt
why local static variables are saved in symbol table?
I read the ELF file format. I have a question. the symbol table save symbol for relocation when linking. Why local variables are saved in symbol table? see ...
[no replies]
Can someone help
[3 replies] Last: @need4sleep your assuming he has any code to post. I just think its f... (by k0t4)
Read base64 encoded file
Hi Guys, I want to read a base64 encoded file in Linux. I think I can open it as text mode. I tried with a simple code with a while loop to read each line fr...
[1 reply] : You have to actually decode the string. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/w... (by kbw)
by holics
gets and fgets have problem.
These codes have no problem and do well, but, I want to use "gets(buf);" instead of "cin.getline(buf, sizeof(buf));" . However, when substituting "cin.getli...
[3 replies] Last: More: http://www.gidnetwork.com/b-56.html (by Moschops)
Makefiles and compilers
Hello everyone I've recently moved from windows to linux and i have already changed my programming habits from using only one IDE to terminal programming , inv...
[2 replies] Last: I generally use the following: Text Editor - vim, scite Build System ... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Start Linux Programming
Hi. I've just installed linux on my computer. I developed C++ in windows, but I wanna develop it in linux. Is there any difference in syntax? (I recently use...
[1 reply] : There is no big difference in c++ syntax. You just cannot use windows ... (by S G H)
whats wrong with this Code? i got this errors Trying to run on ubuntu
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #define LB_SIZE 1024 int main(int argc, char *argv ) { char full...
[1 reply] : http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/articles/1295/ (by PanGalactic)
pass one structure to function
Hi I want to pass my structure to one function.That function only accepts "u_char *" pointer but my structure has another type,my structure has some "int" type...
[9 replies] Last: @EssGeEich you very responsible! (by beyonder2015)
March 2012 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [feb2012] [apr2012]

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