Windows Programming - December 2015 (Page 2)

get file description via its window
here's my code string GetforegroundWindowdescription() { HWND winhandle; LPSTR fileloc; HANDLE filohandle; DWORD sizE; DWORD reserved; LPVOID d...
[2 replies] Last: #pragma once #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 #include <windows.h> #... (by modoran)
Starting wxWidgets
Hello everyone, I have experience on console application but don't know how to handle wxWidgets. I have code::blocks 13 and wxWidges-3.0.2 installed. I've also ...
[1 reply] : ht... (by Thomas1965)
GetForgroundwindow function
Firstly...sorry about the Title OK,so here's my code string GetActiveWindowTitle() { char a = {}; HWND hw = GetForegroundWindow(); GetWindowTextA(hw,...
[3 replies] Last: I figured it out my self my program was meant to do something when the... (by mrbplusplus)
write c++ program that read a positive integer number x from keyboard and read a number of alphabet characters equals to (x) from keyboard . after that check an...
[13 replies] Last: Is there any wisdom/reason behind using the underscore before the var... (by integralfx)
checking if PID is running
i never tried cpp before, and i need a function for lua to compare PIDs, getPID already done, but i need help to isrunning.
[2 replies] Last: Use the tlhelp32 header. (by integralfx)
by Zorac
Programming in Windows - How to?
Hey! I have been learning C++ on Linux using Atom and the terminal with GNU-compiler. However Linux is turning out to create a lot problems for me on my lapt...
[1 reply] : It's possible to use the command line terminal on windows (CMD.exe). T... (by Shadowwolf)
by Gyiove
simple socket, how much data should i sent?
Hello everyone! I created this class long time ago in order to work with socket the way more comfortable for me and the reason i am showing this class is i wan...
[1 reply] : If the files have an acceptable size (Nowadays i'd say, up to 512mb ar... (by S G H)
rc file problem
Hi, I have a problem with rc files, expected unqualified-id before numeric constant, I'd appreciate some help. This is the code. cpp file #include <iostream> ...
[2 replies] Last: Ty for your answer, it worked :D (by aleixucops)
Cannot open include files d3dx8match.h
Error 4 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx8math.h': No such file screen eror! I use direct sdk feb2010 ...
[2 replies] Last: ? (by xkrtekx)
Downloading Visual Studio Help Documents for C++
Hi is there an ISO file that includes every help document related to C++? (Only C++) so I don't have to refer to MSDN Library again 'n' again 'n' again .... ...
[2 replies] Last: Unfortunately using Help Viewer is the official way now, however you c... (by modoran)
Error in code
Why does not this code work correctly? i1 = glosa->Count; srand (time(NULL)); if(i1%2 != 0){ i1+=1; i1 = rand()% glosa->Count; tbx_SvarSv->A...
[3 replies] Last: Is glosa properly created even if the array size is 0? You cannot a... (by coder777)
C++ List orientation
Hi, my name is Karl and working on a sort of "translater program". I am using a swedish word input from the user and a english word input and there after will t...
[3 replies] Last: struct Word { String^ English; String^ Swedish; } typedef List<W... (by Thomas1965)
Even and odd items in a list C++
Hi, I have this list with items. I want the items in the list 0,2,4,6 and so on depening on the number of items the user put in the list. After selecting the...
[11 replies] Last: If you do a google search for "std::string to String^" there are lots... (by Chervil)
Screen Resolution , Orientation
Let configured as inverted landscape without access options "screen resolution, orientation"? Thanks, Tchelo
[no replies]
Hi I am migrating project code from VS2012 to VS2015 and I got the following error Error LNK1104 cannot open file mfc110.lib I searched for the mfc110.lib f...
[3 replies] Last: Check the toolset in Properties . IIRC: Under Configuration Properti... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by three
RSA Encryption with key 256
hello i have problem about RSA encryption i try RSA encryption with key exponent 128 there is no problem, but if i try with the key exponent 256 , i have encr...
[no replies]
by leBOB
Starting WxWidgets on Code::Blocks
When I run a wx Hello World program nothing happens. There are no build errors or anything. build log: -------------- Clean: Release in firstwx (compiler: GNU...
[1 reply] : hi, your problem is, the application closes without anything it is bet... (by heepoo)
by balf
Sleep crash application
Is there a way to use Sleep() on a graphic application withou crashing it? I created a macro function that change to an other window and execute some functions...
[3 replies] Last: You need a parallel thread: (by coder777)
Loading a declspec exported dll func in C++
Hey guys so I have been struggling with this for just about over 6 hours now. I am totally new to C++ and really trying to get started with this project. (Been ...
[11 replies] Last: I am under the impression that I cannot use the generated lib as it ... (by freddie1)
someone can help me to do IO miniproject ? pls put ur email
[2 replies] Last: What is the project? (by leBOB)
December 2015 Pages: 123
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