Windows Programming - November 2015

by feco
Circles intersecting arrays Visual Studio
I've got a task to find which circle intersects with the most other circles. I have the x-coordinates, y-coordinates, and the radii of many different circles. ...
[1 reply] : You need the distance of the coordinates of two circles. I don't s... (by coder777)
active windows timer
To keep track of my time online, I would like to make a C program in Visual Studio Express for Windows 8.1. It would be a timer that would run when the foregro...
[1 reply] : Well, that was easier than I expected. (by lorasaur)
by Gyiove
2 Threads, one waiting for certain variable update, best way to wait?
Hello everyone! I have 2 threads. One is main thread what is updating certain variable sometimes. Other thread is waiting for variable to change. What...
[1 reply] : Standard C++ uses std::condition_variable for this (by Cubbi)
Windows Prevent A Process From Being Terminated
How do I prevent a process from being terminated by an administrator using c++? What I want to know is this: how do I create a c++ program to prevent a specific...
[1 reply] : Might be of interest? It is possible to end any process even though ... (by andywestken)
Mixing the RDW_NOERASE and RDW_INVALIDATE flags of RedrawWindow()
In this previous thread:, I found the following code: // redraw the portion of the window that was just p...
[4 replies] Last: So if I want my window to only receive a WM_PAINT message without the ... (by paul172)
unexpected behavior of wordpad/firefox.
i am unable to understand code is working as expected in notepad,file/ folder names,explorer address bar,internet explorer(8),but not in wordpad,firefox...
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How to wait for multiple work object in threadpool in c++
In my program, I create a number of TP_WORK objects and submitting to threadpool. Here I want to wait for all the work to be finished. I am using VS2010. The fo...
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by apomin
C++ web script
Hi, I am writing a web site script in Visual C++ under Windows. The site runs on Windows 2008 R2 (IIS 7) The program forms html page line by line and store...
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Program compiles, but doesn't run from .exe because of missing dlls
I apologize if this happens to have been asked before, but I couldn't find a recent reply that actually works. I have written a program in code blocks...and ...
[1 reply] : What compiler do you use ? You better use TDM version of GCC, never ha... (by modoran)
by RST81
Output to file from System()
Hi, I have the following command: system("start \"\" \"C:\\Program Files\\Wireshark\\tshark.exe\" -a duration:130 -i 3 -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.ti...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for replying! I tried the escape solution and the window only ... (by RST81)
by jhent
remote client, possible port exhaustion? networking
I'm working on a remote client program that gets data from a serial port sensor and sends it to a server. The sensor will output 1 time each second. My Windows ...
[1 reply] : It is not impossible (though rather unlikely) that ports exhausts: ht... (by coder777)
Very new to C++ playing with CLR
I have played with basic for years but want to exercise the ol gray matter. As I read thru the books and on line tutorials, I try new things. Learning to use ...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks mutexe! (by keanedawg)
Need Working IDE for Vista
Was told to use Codeblocks but after a few days it malfunctioned. Was told to download older version of Microsoft Visual Studio but it seems maybe 2008 was las...
[10 replies] Last: Visual Studio is just an IDE, if you want to use C++11 features and us... (by modoran)
CLI/C++ UI Display image from web using Textbox and a Button Picturebox
Hello! I'm trying to make a program (UI) that shows my schedule (from the internet) so I thought that I might try out CLI as I have some knowledge in C++ no...
[1 reply] : Basically you need to create an eventhandler for the button - just dou... (by Thomas1965)
by crazar
Folder Created & IRC
I found a tutorial on youtube and it used the Filesystemwatcher. What I am trying to do is, everytime a folder is created it will send a text to a channel in I...
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by evaboy
System message listener
Good day mates, l need help with which API function or library to use in other to trap a specific message from any process running. Eg. When a user clicks print...
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how can i make a new thread and synchronicity?
i did these code for a new thread and i use a synchronization, but the input values can be adressed to another variable :( struct arg_readmultithread { ...
[3 replies] Last: i did several errors: 1 - in these case, i can't use event functions, ... (by Cambalinho)
Not possible add Event handler for Custom Control
Hi people, There is any way to add a Message for Custom Control? Event Handler Wizard dialog does not show any option. Blank list for Message type: ...
[2 replies] Last: I might be able to help you with this Emanuel, because Custom Controls... (by freddie1)
PDB not found of NVIDIA card, using VS2015 Express
How do I resolve the following run-time error? C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\coprocmanager\nvdxgiwrap.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. ...
[1 reply] : A PDB file is what MSVS uses to figure out the debugging symbols for t... (by Computergeek01)
by RichaS
Active window issue in IE11
Hi, I have a application written in C++ 7.1 that launches a web application in the IE browser. In case a browser window is already kept open and my applic...
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November 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [oct2015] [dec2015]

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