Windows Programming - November 2015 (Page 2)

Friend is asking for something related to GPU
extern "C" { _declspec(dllexport) DWORD NvOptimusEnablement = 0x00000001; } I'm still a complete beginner in this stuff, and I would've posted this in the be...
[1 reply] : First off, your friend is ill informed, please ignore them. EDIT: I fe... (by Computergeek01)
Minigame Snake
Can somebody help me with this programm ? I don't get it. :/
[4 replies] Last: Did you do any research at all? (by Homberto)
Issues with C++ and VS 2015
I am unable to use cin::getline(). My Visual Studios 2015 community version didn't even have C++. So I to Visual Studios to add "Windows" C++ "Universal" to the...
[4 replies] Last: ok nice solution provided all my query solved (by indoreebabes)
by Sh0es
Compiling and Including External Files in Visual Studio
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 and I'm working on a project that uses several headers I've made myself. I've put them in a separate folder so that I don't have to...
[2 replies] Last: I am not sure about Visual Studio 2015 but under Visual Studio 2013 yo... (by Thomas1965)
by hext
CLI Windows Forms 2013
Hi, I'm doing keyboard trainer, so have many questions. 1)confirmed 2) how to make trigger/listbox, when trigger changes, text in textbox1 changes ( textbox1 ta...
[no replies]
How to include a JSON library in a C++ program?
(Using windows 8, it's not UNIX-based.) I'm pretty much a beginner in C++, I do have some knowledge of stuff like types of variables and a little bit of fi...
[7 replies] Last: in c++ all external method are not easily used ..these are very tough (by ahmadabbas)
PIN DBI framework - C++
Hello! I will try to explain clear. I have task: count isntructions while process is running, using PIN dynamic binary instrument. So, I have Win8.1(x64) and...
[no replies]
by BrianP
Floats faster than uint32 in RGB->HSV Calc?
ADHD Summary: Score: Float 489 ms vs Uint32 495 ms TASK: Convert 3X uint16_t raw RGB data to uint16_t HSV for analyses. Scale hue from 0-360 degrees to 0 ...
[no replies]
help creating a COM/ATL wrapper for a USB Scanner for VB6
My first program in VC6 (ever) is a wrapper so the the DLLs provided by our Scanner vendor can be used in our VB6 application. (They won't provide compatible D...
[no replies]
Confused about compiler and IDE for sfml
Do I have to download a compiler also for sfml? Which IDE is better for sfml? 1. Code::Blocks 2. Visual studio
[1 reply] : I suppose in some sense, since you will need a compiler to write (C++)... (by Zhuge)
by xzsedr
Problem with memory
Hi, I have a problem with memory. I use Code Blocks. I created a few arrays(char array1 , int array2[n*n]). For example for n=700 my program crashes on the ...
[7 replies] Last: An int on x64 is still only 4 bytes, isn't it kbw? So 490,000 bytes n... (by freddie1)
Can't get this to work any help would be appreciated
Trying to get this to display the correct output but still having some problems. Here is what I have so far: Header file: class InvBin { private: str...
[1 reply] : Please format your code using code tags. Please provide a description... (by kbw)
by Gyiove
is it safe to use TerminateThread() that way?
Hello guys! I read from that TerminateThread is a dangerous function tha...
[1 reply] : Would that be safe? No! You shouldn't need to use TerminateThread t... (by andywestken)
Unable to Disable Button when text field empty VS2015
Ok, learning how to use VS2015, creating Flash Card Math game using Windows Forms for my kid, everything is working, I have a game where they chose the number, ...
[1 reply] : Use Int32::TryParse() -- rather than Convert::ToInt32() -- as it doesn... (by andywestken)
Why can't I get a Winform style GUI in VS 2013 C++?
This is my first post, and so I'd like to say HI to everyone. First thing, I have to get off my chest is THANK YOU CPLUSPLUS forum. I got banned from asking q...
[9 replies] Last: Freddie1, thank you for your thought-out response that obviously took ... (by BlowingSmoke)
[WIN32 API] Multiple Window Creation.
Messing with the WINAPI and trying to get 2 separate windows to load in the event I ever create a GUI app where say a menu item might load up another window (op...
[1 reply] : I've covered that topic quite exhaustively at these links... http://w... (by freddie1)
Get Images From a Web, VB13 (Best of how to include LibcURL, POCO, Google Image Search API) (1,2)
Hi, I apologize if this might sound noob. I am finishing a windows form application using c++. This application creates one big image out of small images. I ...
[21 replies] Last: Wyboth, Impressive as always. My focus went a little bet far from li... (by kkhalaf)
About relation of math with game programming
Which kinds skills of math should I master to do game programming? Could anyone give a list please..??
[2 replies] Last: Have a look here, there are several math formulas and functions you ne... (by Golden Lizard)
Confusion in required knowledge for GUI
Do I have to highly master C\C++ both for making GUI? But once saw some examples of Gui, I couldnt found that much similarity between GUI & C\C++
[3 replies] Last: +1 for WinAPI. I've found that you'll end up writing more code to acc... (by CGunn86)
by Sh0es
Compile Issue with Visual Studio 2015
I'm trying to compile a project in Visual Studio 2015 and I'm getting compile errors that, frankly, don't make any sense. They're all related to this class: ...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah I figured that all out eventually. Thanks anyway. (by Sh0es)
November 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [oct2015] [dec2015]

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