Windows Programming - December 2015 (Page 3)

Callback functions in an fltk class
Hi, So my problem is that I'm making a class with some fltk objects in but then within this I want callback functions for them to use. I'll write out an illust...
[3 replies] Last: It was the static void bit I'd missed out, I've just been staring at i... (by Lio Elbammalf)
by Buns31
Slot Machine Project
Hello, I'm having issues with my slot machine game. I'm required to keep score on the amount of points the player receives, but I don't really know how to go ab...
[1 reply] : "I'm required" would probably indicate this is a homework assignment..... (by Cybie)
by Hex213
When program close
Hi, I want to know when closing the program can make any command before close ? Is there any function or something similar? Can you help me ?
[8 replies] Last: Depending on what you want to do, you could just call your function fr... (by andywestken)
by aruggs
Encoding Program
Hello Everyone, Im new to the board but use it quite a bit for reference. I am attempting to write a program that reads an input file, converts each line to...
[11 replies] Last: Cire, I greatly appreciate your helping me here Im still learning. I... (by aruggs)
by V07
jumping form console to windows?
Hi everyone, I have programmed a console application.I don't have knowledge in windows programming so I ask this question to you. Does the code dif...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by V07)
why i can't change the caret cursor on rich edit control?
i'm trying change the caret cursor on rich edit control, but don't let me. the standard caret is showed :( but if i return 0, the caret isn't showed. (in thes...
[2 replies] Last: but how can i fix it? imagine these: if i press the insert key(for sub... (by Cambalinho)
Unable to create a folder with differant names
if (adminresponse == 3) { char module; cout << "Enter Module Name"; cin >> module; mkdir(module); <- I get the error in this line. the error line is mark...
[3 replies] Last: Hello thank you for your reply. I have tried it with string as well ... (by cire)
My print is whack
Hello, I am having a problem with printing the desktops... If I enter two or more desktops it takes the last one entered no matter what number you enter for the...
[3 replies] Last: You wanted to print the desktop that was selected. desktop was the ... (by cire)
by Zakusa
how to add buttons to the window
hi i need how so im using visual studio( windows form application, empty project) and i has no idea how to add buttons to the script below i tried looking it up...
[2 replies] Last: First, that isn't a Window Forms program. Its an SDK style Win32 app.... (by freddie1)
DLLs and Standard Library
If I understood it right it's a pain in the @$$ to import classes from the standard libraries due to a large amount of dependencies. So my question is, should I...
[2 replies] Last: The main danger of using C++ linkage between modules is due to memory ... (by andywestken)
how can i update the HBITMAP before return it?
heres my HBITMAP return function: operator HBITMAP() { /*DeleteBitmap(hbmMask); hbmMask = CreateCompatibleBitmap(HBitmap, imageweight, imag...
[12 replies] Last: i did some mistakes on my image class, that's why was not correct :( h... (by Cambalinho)
Armadillo Library problem
Hello, I just installed Armadillo math library, as well as OpenBLAS for faster operation and parallel computing support. I'm mostly interested in the SVD ...
[no replies]
Getting started with DirectX and C++
How and where do I go to learn how to make a 3D game with DirectX and c++?
[6 replies] Last: make sure you spend enough time in making your basics (foundation) str... (by Lilly23)
by itvend
I just dont understand
Started to practicing C/C++ and so much anger. This code #include <windows.h> int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hThisInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, L...
[10 replies] Last: You use unsafe CRT printf/sprintf functions. Consider replacing them ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
trackbar message codes.
VS2015 compiler throws the following errors. Severity Code Description Project File Line Error C2065 'TBM_SETPAGESIZE': undeclared identif Error C2065 'TBM...
[3 replies] Last: As off-the-wall as this sounds: Did you include the common control he... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by zecbmo
wglext - extension not installed on pc
I am trying to disable vsync in openGl with WGL_EXT_swap_control using wglSwapIntervalEXT(int interval). I am trying to include the wglext header but after m...
[1 reply] : I am trying to include the wglext header but after much searching it ... (by cire)
It does not work LowLevelMouseProc.
After pressing any key on the keyboard in any active window, but the window ceases to be tracked mouse. What could be the problem? #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEA...
[3 replies] Last: Can you describe exactly what effect you are trying to achieve dmamont... (by freddie1)
compile issue with wingw gcc
compile issue with wingw gcc versus MS VirtualStudio 2015 basic Hey, I have sources with a makefile. I have used cmake to make a MS VirtualStudio project and ...
[1 reply] : Left of the assignment operator, you cast your type to a handle using ... (by Shadowwolf)
December 2015 Pages: 123
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