Windows Programming - May 2018

(Modern) Opengl Rendering Too Slow
I don’t know how to make opengl go any faster. In my ENTIRE project, i have only ONE Vertex Array Object, ONE Vertex Buffer Object, ONE Index Buffer Object, a...
[11 replies] Last: You have: void Renderer::drawRectangles(){ for(auto& rect : rectang... (by keskiverto)
Make EXE Standalone (VS 2017)
Hello, I am trying to make my EXE standalone, so not requiring VC REdist. Also, i want it to work on Win7-8-10. I tried the steps in this page: https://...
[2 replies] Last: Stop using the badly out-dated Dependency Walker, it can't understand ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Windows sending/receiving IP packets to/from a SLIP connection?
The other side of the SLIP connection is Dosbox using a TCP connection sending/receiving data using it's virtual serial modem emulation. That Dosbox is running ...
[7 replies] Last: It's mainly a little side-project to support Windows 95 or MS-DOS prov... (by superfury)
Custom Class Callback Function
Hello, I am creating a child button, and as a child to that button, an SS_OWNERDRAW text label window. If I create the label as a child of the main window, W...
[3 replies] Last: I haven't tried it, but in your paint function try to use DrawText or ... (by Thomas1965)
Transparent Background Child Windows
Hi there, I'm using the below code to create a video switching app. As you can see in the image linked below, the text over the buttons has a grey BG. How can I...
[2 replies] Last: Hi mate, I'm getting closer using that page and many others. I have g... (by nath2099)
seeking Visual Studio 6.0 Pro
Hello, I currently use the 2015 download of Visual Studio and I also own VS 6.0 Pro and VS Pro 2005. For quick get in and get experiments that I do on the fly a...
[no replies]
Yo.. Can someone please help me with this question?? Got an exam coming up..
Class customer has a customer no and a name. Function writeData() writes the number and name to the file customer. txt. Function readData() reads and siplays ...
[1 reply] : Don't create multiple threads for the same question. It wastes peopl... (by MikeyBoy)
How to control a Camera from a C++ code
CAn someone offer me a light as to how to manipulate a webcam device or an imaging device from a C++ code? I will like to control the recording and zooming of ...
[6 replies] Last: I think CUDA isn't really a graphics api, it lets you compute stuff on... (by slei)
by slei
Windows IStream for one or multiple files
Hey, I have a general question about the Windows IStream interface should ...
[1 reply] : I've decided to use one IStream per file. to be able to have multiple ... (by slei)
by slei
Create data on clipboard through code
Hey, I'm currently trying to add data (virtual, files, string etc) to a clipboard which is created through code. I've tried to do this by implementing my own ...
[7 replies] Last: ok i've found the solution myself. You have to implement your own cus... (by slei)
You are given an N x M size grid where N is the number of rows and M is the number of columns. Your task is to calculate in how many ways you can go from the up...
[1 reply] : This is the third instance of the same question. Please do not do that... (by lastchance)
I unplug Aux cable now PC stuck on Headphone Mode
Hello ! I try with toothpick...wherever...i unplug aux cable fast multiple times....I reinstall windows , delete everything...still not solved it. Now if i go...
[3 replies] Last: Toothpicks and delicate connections do not mix. Sounds like broken ... (by Ganado)
Keyboard input and TranslateMessage
As the doc ("") about the windows keyboard input says Key strokes are converte...
[1 reply] : So the keyboard sends a message to the OS based on what key is pressed... (by Computergeek01)
by slei
Debugging winapi in Visual Studio
Hey, I'm trying to debug some winapi dll's and as far as i know it should work by enabling the Microsoft Symbol Server in the debugger settings of Visual Stu...
[no replies]
by slei
Hey, I'm trying to set the file size of a file through the FILEDESCRIPTOR and came across nFileSizeHigh and nFileSizeLow. Those are descripted as following: ...
[2 replies] Last: ah ok now i understand, this brought me a bit closer now. for me DWORD... (by slei)
Debug assertion failed while debug the application
I have created one sample mfc application with listcontrol and button.while clicking the button new window should open that also have that new dialog b...
[1 reply] : You need to provide more information. If an assertion fails it means t... (by Thomas1965)
by slei
Hey, I kinda have to use the windows FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR which structure looks like this typedef struct _FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR { UINT cItems; FI...
[3 replies] Last: this was just a quick test, 3 will be replaced for the number of files... (by slei)
Crash on locking mutex
I'm trying to lock a C++11 mutex, but whenever I do this, I get terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error' what(): Invalid argumen...
[4 replies] Last: Why are you creating your mutexes with new ? If you had made it a reg... (by Peter87)
source file: 'Source.cpp' - What did I screw up to make this even exist?
How do I even find a reference to a source file named Source.cpp in Visual Studio 2017? None of the search utilities I am used to using will work because th...
[4 replies] Last: I closed Visual Studio and re-opened it and Source.cpp was sudde... (by zaphraud)
Connect Four Game, Single Player
I'm coding a game of Connect Four for my C++ class. For the most part, it works. But I'm having trouble with the single player version of the game. It seems to ...
[3 replies] Last: Fro thr random number generation, are you using the standard ANSI C ... (by zaphraud)
May 2018 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [apr2018] [jun2018]

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