Windows Programming - November 2011 (Page 7)

Sending output of the program to serial port (rs232 - COM3)
I wish to send the output of my program to serial port (I am using a USB to serial converter on my laptop). Whenever the 'out' variable is '1', i wish to send s...
[no replies]
log for user login info
Hi, I would like to have a program on my PC which records the login and logout times for different users. How easy writing this would be. How do I begin? Tha...
[1 reply] : From the top of my head you need a Windows service, so start reading a... (by webJose)
WinApi first lesson...
Hello friends!! I just started learning WinApi. In the first lesson i need run this cod: #include <windows.h> int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, H...
[3 replies] Last: It is to do with UNICODE and ANSI. A lot of Windows API calls have tw... (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
by Hadar
Functions inside APIs?
This is probably a sad question, but in Win32 how do you know what functions are inside all of those Win32 APIs? Like, the entry point in the program for exampl...
[2 replies] Last: Here's the specific link pertaining to WinMain() from Disch's link abo... (by freddie1)
Is there a way to check whether windows calendar had its date changed?
Our software needs to check if the user has changed the current date. Is there any way through windows API that can do this task ?
[4 replies] Last: In fact I am doing that right now, comparing last valid date with curr... (by closed account N85iE3v7)
by Hadar
Win32 or WinForms?
I just moved from C#, which only used WinForms. Now, I'm new at C++ and I don't know to learn and use. What would you say?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by Hadar)
TransparentBlt Huge Images?
Hey, its probably something really simple but when I use TransparentBlt, my image comes out far too big for the screen and I cant seem to fix it. It worked perf...
[7 replies] Last: But if you didn't know that, you didn't read the documentation properl... (by Athar)
Artist seeking help
If anyone is interested, I have a project which should take at most a handful of minutes and which would help me enormously. I'm an art student currently inv...
[2 replies] Last: the only open source emulator I've been able to find Huh? The two mo... (by Athar)
Is This Safe?
FooFuncProc(LPSTR lpFile) { ... strcpy_s(szFullPath,MAX_PATH,szPath); strcat_s(szFullPath,MAX_PATH,"\\"); strcat_s(szFullPath,MAX_PATH,sz...
[15 replies] Last: Okay, thanks for the help. I definitely have a better understanding of... (by Lamblion)
storing a vector in a vector
Hi C++ Forum, I'm a relative newbie to C++ programming. I'm trying to store vectors in a vector. The only help I've seen on the forum gives the code for a ma...
[6 replies] Last: Okay, I got something working. (even though, I was told to just stick... (by whiteboard cleaner)
by Drue
This is just a simple question. No coding involved, but it involves the Windows Registry so I put this in the Windows Programming section. Can you please exp...
[3 replies] Last: It depends on how did you store the value. See remarks here: http://ms... (by petko)
by ToniAz
Downloading webpages: 404 Not Found
Hello Everyone! I'm trying to save the source code of a webpage to a file on disk, and it was pretty much working back at home, but when I tried it in my uni...
[no replies]
November 2011 Pages: 1... 567
  Archived months: [oct2011] [dec2011]

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