Windows Programming - November 2011

by cotro
Undefined reference to 'FileManager::GetOpenFileName(tagOFNA*)'
this and : Undefined reference to 'FileManager::GetSaveFileName(tagOFNA*)' are the error messages that shows up when I try to compile my program. Here are t...
[2 replies] Last: GetSaveFileName and GetOpenFileName are windows functions (by cotro)
Game programming
I'm trying to figure out how to make them fight. and show stats. Please and thank you. #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #define frz sys...
[no replies]
looking for a subroutine
Hi C++ Forum, I've been trying to find a subroutine to find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a tridiagonal matrix. More specifically, the Jacobi method or...
[no replies]
thrad CLR problem
hi guys.i have problem with thread in clr i have one thread in class Form1 like : while ( true ) { CPM^ _oPM = gcnew CPM(); // the class inherit from Syst...
[2 replies] Last: i try to simulate one Messenger . when come one PM , create one form l... (by ahura24)
Windows Mouse Input
so I'm reading in mouse input using GET_X_LPARAM(lParam) and GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam), and when I click on a "button" (or just any image) it seems as if the "hit bo...
[5 replies] Last: Well, is a C++ forum. For more more arcane game related... (by andywestken)
Sum with int and char returns weird char
Hello again. I am trying to sum a char with an integer and get a new char (the corresponding ASCII value between 32 and 128 of the sum) So I have: int...
[1 reply] : Is that code even valid? val1 is a pointer and adding one you a pointe... (by Peter87)
Is it possible to poke a process created by createprocess?
I have a program that uses createprocess to open another program (in a different thread). Is there a simple way to send a message to that process from my prog...
[8 replies] Last: Your first point was the problem, thanks. wp and lp were just a WPARA... (by Zoefschildpad)
Why Does This Work
Why does this work? char* pn=NULL; char cchar ="Tip toe through the tulips"; pn=cchar; cout << pn << endl; I played with super long strings and i...
[4 replies] Last: Much obliged! (by Lamblion)
Monitoring and killing a process
Dear all, I have a very simple question: I run a process, and want to know how long it takes in order afterwards to be able to kill it if it runs too long. ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello, You are right, sorry I have picked the wrong forum, I should ma... (by Ksawery)
CPU frequency counter
There's one simple thins I wanted to do. I wanted to make a function that gets the actual frequency of a processor. I know how to use QueryPerformanceFrequency,...
[1 reply] : See the second method here: (by petko)
Strange behavior with GetWindowText
Hi, this is my first post here, English is not my primary language so sorry for possible mistakes. I have been working around this since this morning and now I...
[5 replies] Last: And as for your English, its better than mine! And I'm English (ameri... (by freddie1)
C++ style networking
Hi everyone, I'm new :) I made this weekend a chatserver in C++ with Winsock.h. The chatserver is in a cmd window ( for now ). I followed some tutorials but ...
[8 replies] Last: Quick links: . This ... (by webJose)
Using ActiveX Controls In Win32 SDK : MSFlexGrid Example
Last July ealforque asked how to use the MSFlexGrid ActiveX Control in C++ Win32 projects.... I felt bad I d...
[no replies]
WinAPI Web Browser
I work this web browser project.But DialogBoxParam func is not running. Web Browser.cpp #include <windows.h> HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL =LoadLibrary("C:/WINDOWS...
[2 replies] Last: I am trying tailor this project in this example:http://board.flatassem... (by Helegurbann)
[Sockets, Win32 API]Chat Client massive amount of errors - followed book (1,2)
Hello, I've bought a book about sockets approx 1 month ago and now I've tried to make chat client, there is already client and server created so I just tried t...
[28 replies] Last: edit: nvm, I used string::assign and used string to hold username inst... (by mekkatorqu)
Hello , I want to conver linux code to windows code . But How can I convert unlikely() function in windows . I found __assume() but I dont know its true or...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your answer. I removed.. (by ilyazyilmaz)
system("app.exe") also loads cmd.exe
Like the TT says, I make a system call to run another program, but it also loads cmd.exe for some reason, is there anyway to make it not do that? it's really an...
[10 replies] Last: Yes, this is the good old "I mix WinAPI names with string data types w... (by webJose)
I cant load picture[DIRECTX 10]
Hello, i not long ago start to learning directx 10. I read "BeginningDirectX® 10GameProgramming" and i compilate sample codes, but program isnt work as it shou...
[3 replies] Last: I do what you say and i known that function ist failed, why? HRESULT ... (by kolarz3)
Hello, I am a simple c++ beginner programmer. I am trying to complete a project on Microsoft visual Studio 2008 (the c++ part). I am using a C code to make the ...
[1 reply] : [quote=tanveer094419] Hello, I am a simple c++ beginner programmer. I ... (by webJose)
Explicit loading static class members form DLL
hi, how do I load those functioin from my exe. here is my code: HEADER OF DLL #pragma once // MathFuncsDll.h extern "C" class MyMathFuncs { ...
[5 replies] Last: cool :D thanks alot for all your time Andy! DLL's are now OWNED! (by codekiddy)
November 2011 Pages: 123... 7
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