Windows Programming - November 2011 (Page 3)

Random Number but with Specific Numbers...
I know how to get a random number between two rand.Next(1, 10) However, would it be possible to pick a random number for a given set? For exam...
[2 replies] Last: You can make an array, initialize the terms to your set, and then use ... (by Caprico)
Boost Sockets
I am trying to build a class which handles all the connections to a certain server the problem is when i try to use the socket on another function (on the const...
[1 reply] : Solved! Just needed to make the variable boost::asio::io_service io_s... (by danrevah)
by ToniAz
IWebBrowser2 function error
Hello everyone! I just found about IWebBrowser2. Here's an example I found on msdn webpage that I can't seem to get working. if (SUCCEEDED(OleInitializ...
[3 replies] Last: Add this line to your code: EXTERN_C CLSID CLSID_InternetExplorer; ... (by modoran)
by v8n3t
How to determine range of a processes memory.
Hello all, I am trying to figure out how to determine a few things. 1.) The start point of a Processes memory 2.) The stop point of a Processes memory 3...
[3 replies] Last: In Windows all processes have the same address range. You can get the ... (by gpotw)
Input/Output with files
I tried to make some basic input/output with files in BorlandC++ using ostream and ifstream but it ain't work. Then, I tried using stuff from C language ( FI...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, I tried with that one first time but.... I HAVEN'T ADDED freakin... (by closed account z6X8T05o)
by Vrakko
System ("pause");
Any alternatives?
[8 replies] Last: GCC and by extension MingW allows you to declare a function as a destr... (by Computergeek01)
adding .a files to project??
So i was following a tutorial to do graphics that was depricated and just ignored having graphics in my game. But then i found an article that talked about SOI...
[1 reply] : You don't use the .a file directly, the project needs to be built. Und... (by naraku9333)
Program crashes with "delete"
Here's my function: Note *temp; level_elapsed_time = timeGetTime() - level_start_time; for(int i = 0; i < 18; ++i) { bool disposeNote = false...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! One more thing though, my program slows down a bit after... (by acdc123)
is image1==image2 ??
- i have got 2 photos - i would like to compare them to see if they are the same eg: - the webcam is looking at an empty table and takes photo 1 - i place...
[3 replies] Last: why is my program ignoring the key input wich i use to exit the progra... (by arijspieter)
WindowProc and C++ Input
I'm making a game right now and we need different input for like main menu, playing out game, and our built in level editor. the switch statement has gotten so ...
[4 replies] Last: I believe polled input is much more efficient than window messages in ... (by gpotw)
Library causing lnk errors
Hello Everyone, So I am trying to use the library IccProfLib.lib from They give you the source so I compiled it in VS2008 in release and everythin...
[1 reply] : You seem to have your library compiled with CRT statically (/MT) while... (by modoran)
Game Loop Interval
I want to run my game to run in 60 fps. Here's my code long double t_levelStartTime = 0; const long double t_GAME_LOOP_INTERVAL = 0.0167; t_levelStartTime =...
[5 replies] Last: That might have more to do with your drawing code than the game loop i... (by andywestken)
by scat95
Problem with operator overloading.
Hi, I get a strange error that I dont understand: Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<c...
[2 replies] Last: Can you supply source (or partial) for your Ebook class? (by SIK)
Why we need winbase.h file in our project.... i want to learn basics of multithreading so can u suggest me any book or ebook????
[7 replies] Last: Search for a Windows tutorial then. Most people recommend the one @ w... (by webJose)
Measuring time elapsed every loop iteration
Hey, I'm trying to measure the time elapsed in milliseconds since my game started running. What I have is: LONGLONG level_start_time = 0; LON...
[1 reply] : Checkout this link: (by SIK)
Sql server connection and interogation
Hello, Is my first time when i use Visual Studio 2010 and I have some difficulties when I try to connect to Sql server and get some data. I try to translate o...
[1 reply] : change line: comanda.Connection = con ; to: comanda.C... (by SIK)
Anyone see the error of my ways?
I know this isn't c++ but I was wondering if someone can help me with this. I am working towards a degree in CIS with a focus on development. I am just starti...
[no replies]
by hbjgd
Packet Interception
Is it possible to gain access to the "Packets" that are sent to and from your computer and actually see and use them?
[3 replies] Last: @ new hope : OOP is a style, there is nothing stopping you from apply... (by Computergeek01)
Hello, Im new to openCV and im trying to load image and create a pointer to the image data. i wrote the next code: src1 = cv::imread("test2.jpg"); float...
[no replies]
Function returning array of vectors
Hello, I want to create a function that returns an array of vectors. So I have this code in the header file: vector<Note*> getNoteVecor(void); H...
[1 reply] : You can't return arrays. Make it a vector of vectors. You also need to... (by Athar)
November 2011 Pages: 12345... 7
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