Windows Programming - November 2011 (Page 2)

d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwin.h(1198): error C2061
Maybe I edit the header files accidently, now when I try to compile the project,I meet the following errors. d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc...
[1 reply] : Just uninstall Visual Studio and then reinstall it. (by webJose)
is possible running an embebbed exe file?
Hi, I have one exe application that I wanna run from my c++ program. I don't want this exe application would be visible or can run without my c++ program. What ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for your replies. I try to get an anticopy executable program. ... (by dgsalas)
by Kuci
Full screen window in MFC ?
Hello, I wanna make full screen window in MFC application. That means, I wanna make window, which will have content placed on whole screen, like it is in all 3...
[2 replies] Last: No no, I have already done :) Just change style of window to WS_POPUP ... (by Kuci)
Command prompt open @ the same time as another window?
Is it possible to keep Command prompt open at the same time as another window? please post sample code...
[6 replies] Last: Hmm, I'll have to try that... Thanks for the code. I may not reply fo... (by lindsey laho)
by gian20
help mfc c++
Hello, I am new to c++ because i program on vb6, only, but i got a risk that my codes can be decompiled easily, now c++ is a machine code so i think that...
[5 replies] Last: ok thanks for all of help, i will find a tutorial on programming in c+... (by gian20)
by ToniAz
Controlling Internet Explorer
Hello Everyone! I've tried many ways to download a webpage: wininet, IWebBrowser2, curl, but all deemed failure. I know IWebBrowser2 somehow controls IE. ...
[7 replies] Last: PS Actually, COM came into being "just before" OLE2. OLE2 was implemen... (by andywestken)
Allocate Struct Memory (1,2)
I can allocate memory for a string simply enough -- char* str=(char *)malloc( (mysize + 1) * sizeof(char) ); but what if I do this... struct MYSTRUC...
[26 replies] Last: You must have posted right after my edit above. -:) In any case, yo... (by Lamblion)
by vetyst
Hello, I've got a little problem with my program while running it, it crashes while crypting it this is the code from debugging : #0 0040141C cryptPac...
[6 replies] Last: Oh, sorry. Now understood, why the size is 1 byte. It`s actually 2 byt... (by dudev851)
Translation C++ -> VB
This code change the format of the data, so i can use it on x86. Can someone translate this to VB. I have VS6. I tried, but it dont works correct. int Convert...
[no replies]
Why the equation like this: (for x = 5) int result = 2*x+(++x+3)*3 equals 37 ???? not 39 (2*5+(6+3)*3=39)
[7 replies] Last: Wow... That was truly enlightening.. Thank you! :) (by Caprico)
by Phiru
Calendar Control!!!
Hi.I am using a calendar control with VS 2010. and I put a calendar on a dialog, and make it an exe file. It works on some computers perfectly, but doesn't w...
[no replies]
unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup
I'm trying to build this program: (From Programming Windows Fifth Edition) // Displays screen size in a message box #include <windows.h> #include <tch...
[2 replies] Last: Oh wow...that should have been so obvious. Thanks! My program works no... (by cloutier)
How do I Use WM_PAINT?
I'm very new to Windows API programing, and I'm trying to make a program. But before I can actually do anything, I need to know how to use WM_PAINT to make simp...
[2 replies] Last: +1 @andywestken. You can also use It's hilarious and... (by webJose)
about linking DLL's.
hello, I've trying to learn about DLL's and linking on MSDN and have few questions. there are talking about explicit and implicit linking. is that mean implici...
[3 replies] Last: thanks alot for your replies, implicit linking is relay easy but I'm s... (by codekiddy)
by Theta
GetClipboardData() in C++
Hi, I am relatively new to Windows programming and I am reading through a book. The book has samples that don't always work with C++, but C. I was trying to con...
[6 replies] Last: Ah, okay now I get it. Thanks, modoran! (by Theta)
by Oneday
[msdos] Proxy settings rehash/apply
Hi all, I'm trying to enable/disable the usage of my proxy-server settings with this dos commands: To turn on: REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\...
[3 replies] Last: Okay thanks both! :) I'll try it that way. (by Oneday)
Create array with values pointing to values of different array
As the title says, I have an array with a set amount of values and I am wanting to copy pointers of each value to a different array of identical size. This code...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the awesome reply, I'm learning but its great to see some e... (by petemyster)
Buffer Pointer To Makes Sense
Here we go again. I've done this before, or something similar, anyway, but I can't re-figure out how to do it... I'm trying to get the tag values of an ini f...
[5 replies] Last: I figured out most of it. Still a few minor quirks, but the upshot is,... (by Lamblion)
by andras
WideChar display problem
Hello there, I am developing a little application. The inscriptions (display on the Labels) with WideChars (greek letters) are correct under Vista and Windo...
[1 reply] : To display Unicode characters you must use a font that has the charact... (by webJose)
Printing text using WIN 32 API/GDI
well...I'm trying to link my Visual Studio 2008 to printer and print text by using the printer...but I'm failed to do so...can anyone please help me to rectify ...
[5 replies] Last: yeah...thank you so much !! (by lanceTCT)
November 2011 Pages: 1234... 7
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