Beginners - April 2019 (Page 6)

Pig Latin Program
I had an assignment to create a Pig Latin translator in my Intro to Programming Class ( C++ ) and I have created the code below, but when ran with the sample se...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you!! I will get to fixing them, again thanks for the help (by franqjos000)
by daveed
Segmentation fault help
I just got my code to compile, but got hit with the segmentation fault. I am just helpless trying to find what is wrong, and messing up my code even more. Pleas...
[11 replies] Last: What do your Book and Warehouse definitions look like? Also a small co... (by jlb)
Problems using seekg
Okay, so I have an assignment that involves writing all prime numbers between 0 and one million to a text file and then to have the user input a certain number ...
[3 replies] Last: It'll work just fine. On windows, however, there is a design flaw in s... (by Duthomhas)
No Matching Function to Call Error
So I have a homework assignment that requires me to read from an input file, store it into arrays, then process that data, and export to an output file using co...
[4 replies] Last: Hello zzknight, First your program uses an input file. Where is it? I... (by Handy Andy)
by Roteao
Operator Overloading - Inline atribute
Hi there! Im just getting started with operators overloading with classes. I have seen some code where they use the sentence "inline" in the function and ...
[2 replies] Last: > I have seen some code where they use the sentence "inline" in the fu... (by JLBorges)
by daveed
need help with operator >> method
Hello, currently my operator >> method seem to be a problem. title = string authorCount = int authors = string publisher = string yearPublish = short har...
[1 reply] : when trying to cout the Book, i get hex values Are you sure you are ... (by Peter87)
by nikes
Need help asap
Hello, I need to make program that asks user to input some symbols as a string. Then I have to check for all the numbers and find their average arithmetic and o...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you, finally solved all my problems and got program working exac... (by nikes)
Using two overloaded operators in same line but compiler not allowing it, why?
Ok, so I made a Polynomial class and I overloaded arithmetic and other operators for that class.. However, when I used two overloaded operators in the same lin...
[1 reply] : The + operator does not modify its operands so you should mark the par... (by Peter87)
by ROKeb
Is there how i can get the character own coordinates ??
Hi. Im ROKeb. I want to know the coordinates of character that I typed in editbox. for example, if I type 'A' in the editbox, I want to get the coordinate...
[2 replies] Last: I'm sorry I forgot. I use Window10 64bit, Visual studio 2010 tool and... (by ROKeb)
error with program involving classes
EDIT: problem was solved. ////////////////////PROJ3.CPP//////////////////////////// int main() { Department <string> dept1 ("CIS"); // a department ...
[1 reply] : > . it says " no matching function for call to 'Department<std::basic... (by salem c)
Segmentation fault error
Hi, I am working on a profiler project but whenever I call my report function, I get a segmentation fault. I debugged using gdb and it says my problem is somewh...
[1 reply] : > std::list<AST*>::iterator blockIt = blockptr->child.begin(); >... (by salem c)
I've started to write the program that follows but have already started getting error messages so I stopped rather than continue. The instructions are as follo...
[5 replies] Last: It might help if you copy/paste all the instructions into your code as... (by salem c)
Write your question here. Add the ability to save data to a disk in one or more files. The menu(s) should give the user the option to save or retrieve data. S...
[1 reply] : I assume by save and retrieve data that they mean through writing onto... (by zapshe)
Not getting proper results.
So I am about 8 weeks into classes and this is the first time I've really been so confused and frustrated. The task at hand is as follows: Program must mak...
[3 replies] Last: Verify that you have been able to open the file and read from it; emit... (by JLBorges)
2D Array
Apologies, I am new here and short on time so sorry if this is the incorrect place to be posting. I am just trying to finish my semester and coding has been the...
[1 reply] : Try something like this, however if you want to read in strings you'll... (by nicholasjb1996)
permenant headach 3 (1,2)
[23 replies] Last: You guys do know that you can change the name of repositories in githu... (by Grand Master stickshift)
Trouble deleting and line is skipping when asking input
I'm trying to add, display, search, modify and delete. I've gotten to the add it skips the adding of the artist. The code compiles with no errors. The delete is...
[3 replies] Last: > Album_l is supposed to represent a collection of albums. then your ... (by ne555)
by BC176
User input validation for non-duplicate elements into an array
When compiled this code runs and after first entry, it jumps into the for loop as if the first number is a duplicate and then continues to fail from there. I've...
[7 replies] Last: Wow thank you. That mostly makes sense. I'll need to read it a few tim... (by BC176)
Whats Abstraction
Its required for my project and but I cant figure out what it is
[5 replies] Last: "The essence of abstractions is preserving information that is releva... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Displaying a text in a QGraphicsScene
I am trying to create a scene with Qt to display what I want (lets say for now just a text), but with the code describing the content being in another class. ...
[3 replies] Last: It doesn’t need to be complicated, but: - QMainWindow might contain... (by Enoizat)
April 2019 Pages: 1... 45678... 24
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