Beginners - February 2015 (Page 50)

image scanning
Is there a way to search for images what are displayed lets say on desktop background and than return true if i find it or false if i dont? I dont mean searchin...
[no replies]
by Glorpy
Finding the code error
Hey guys. I bought the C++ How to Program (Early Objects Version) 9th Edition and I am on Chapter 8 on pointers. I have come across the questions in the self re...
[4 replies] Last: > In this I have to find the programming error. It would be nice to se... (by ne555)
by NLB
Can anyone translate this algorithm?
Let x = x ,…,x[n-1] be an array of given integers to search. Let Position be an integer to store the array index of the item we are searching for. Let Valu...
[2 replies] Last: To C++ I didn't know if I should put that or if it would be redundant ... (by NLB)
Read input into array & find mean and median
Hi, I'm having trouble figuring out how to write this program. I'm supposed to only gather user input (up until a nondigit or 100 characters) and read them into...
[8 replies] Last: how can I return the new sorted array back to Median if it is a void ... (by dhayden)
by sha92
Help please!
I don't understand why isn't this program working!!!??? #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; struct date { int month; in...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys!!! It works now. I didn't realize that return type of main... (by sha92)
I need give form ti
I want to shape this mathematical exercise 1-1 / 3 + 1 / 5-1 / 7 + 1/9...... to an algorithm I get mmm 1 / 2n -1 but I'm not sure ... please help ..
[3 replies] Last: De nada :) (by TheHardew)
Snake game tail confusion
I made a snake game where I printed a multidimensional array as a map and I used gotoxy function from conio.h library to move the head of the snake around ; ...
[1 reply] : A list of some sort. Each element in the list is one piece of the sna... (by keskiverto)
Repeating entire program
I would like to have my entire program to repeat a single time without user input. How could I do this with both main and foo? I know how to repeat a program wh...
[6 replies] Last: Its exactly what I needed. However I dont understand how this works. ... (by cire)
Next book after "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd Edition)"
Hi, could anyone recommend good book to read next after ill be finished with "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd Edition)". Also on what things...
[no replies]
Help please
I know this has been posted a bit, I have looked around quite a bit and I am still having difficulties, so any help is appreciated. Obviously I am new to progra...
[8 replies] Last: Tnx a lot for good explanation :) I also added in some code in order... (by etrusks)
by shola
Spare a Square problem. Need help.
1) Use a function that generates and returns a random number between [0,1] which can be used to determine whether a patron is a big-chooser or littlechooser. do...
[no replies]
How do I output * next to numbers
Hello guys I am new to programming and am wondering how I can output a '*' next to a number. also the stars should equal the number so for example: 1 * 2 ** ...
[7 replies] Last: I made a program for you that does what I think you need. Let me know ... (by Irhcsa)
First Perfect Square
Find the Value Write a program to find and print the first perfect square (i*i) whose last two digits are both odd. --Very important Make sure to check tha...
[1 reply] : If i is a positive integer, i*i is a perfect square. Squares of nu... (by JLBorges)
Need help with Rational Number Calculator with Fractions
Hello, so far this is the code I have for a rational number calculator but as of right now it is basically just a regular calculator. I need help getting input ...
[7 replies] Last: ok. then you need, private: int num; int denom; in your class.... (by anup30)
nested if statement in for loop
So I have a new problem with a code I requested help with earlier. I got the loop to work and the conversions working properly as well. However, how the table o...
[2 replies] Last: Ahah! Same problem I had when I first declared and initialized my conv... (by Xatasha)
for loop not iterating correctly
Hey everyone, I'm working on a code using while and for loops to output a table of temperature conversions. Input is degrees in celsius and an increment value, ...
[3 replies] Last: Yup, that was it. Took some playing with conversions for a while to ma... (by Xatasha)
"IF" problem
Hello, i´m new in this web and also programming, I 'm trying to make a Chinese horoscope is supposed to be the user to write your name and the year I was bo...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much AbstractionAnon ! (by diegofu)
Dynamic array allocation problem
Hey guys. I'm having a problem with dynamic strings. This is my code for entering words into an array of strings called "table": #include <iostream> #incl...
[4 replies] Last: Ah, I see. I must have forgot what I wanted to use the "length" variab... (by bheadmaster)
How to make an item database based off an item class
Hi guys, This is my first post here, so if I'm doing anything wrong, please let me know. So I need homework help. Right now, I'm taking one of the intro class...
[13 replies] Last: Haha, I appreciate the rant. My assignment is due soon (tonight, Paci... (by kidkode)
I'm having some trouble with this problem. Maybe it's the way it is worded, but I can't seem to figure out the way to input the data to make it come out right. ...
[1 reply] : Up to input is ok. Then you should: Compute the 4 divisional sales an... (by keskiverto)
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