Beginners - July 2014 (Page 2)

Do C++ professionals know everything?
I'm wondering if game/program designers that work primarily with C++ know or should know everything in C++. Like do they memorize every possible line of code? I...
[5 replies] Last: I find Python a quick way to test out some logic that I could later ap... (by Ganado)
uint64_t binary file r/w and efficiency question
Hi guys I need to read/write two vectors of uint64_t to a binary file. I've been reading how to do this and have seen some example code for other data structure...
[1 reply] : Would I lose a significant amount of efficiency by implementing this... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Ganado
Best way to sleep to conserve power
I'm thinking of a program where it would be constantly running, but only need to update itself or some file only once every hour or so. Anyone have any suggest...
[no replies]
conversion std::stoi
I do not know how to put a explicit cast on this. Any ideas? warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion [-Woverflow] #ifndef BIRTHDATE_H #define B...
[2 replies] Last: oh forgot the " " Thank you ;D Stupid me (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
Operator overloading , comparing values-HELP
Trying to compare two values using operator overloading , quite sure i am messing up in the output part but dont know how to fix it , except using booleans , ha...
[7 replies] Last: phew! thats a relief (by daksh717)
i need fast answer, i got my code blocks out dated but i dont have idea which one of these should i need to install i know how to write codes what is better...
[2 replies] Last: okay okay thank you and im sorry people :( sorry but why codeblocks ... (by xenovia12)
Project euler problem 13 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { long arr = { 371072875339021027987979982208375902465101357402...
[2 replies] Last: There is also double you can get it to compile in miliseconds with b... (by giblit)
Format to 3 columns
I have been playing around with my code I have written and I can't seem to be able to get everything to "cout" in three separate side by side columns...any advi...
[9 replies] Last: Is that clearly? double mean1 = findMean1(day1); double mean2 = find... (by lsk)
Functions in Classes Help
As practice for Classes, I decided to create a program that would take user input regarding a characters stats in a game and display them back to the user.The p...
[5 replies] Last: Structs are the same as classes in C++ except structs are public by de... (by Ganado)
by SVcpp
How to capitalize first letters of a new word in a string
Hello C++ community! I'm looking for help with some code that I've been working on. I'm at my breaking point it seems. I've tried everything and I can't seem...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you giblit (by SVcpp)
[ERROR] invalid types int[int] - :(
Hey guys, I searched the forum for this but none of them helped me solve my problem. I keep getting this error, I know the problem is involving the arrays bu...
[12 replies] Last: Awesome, Thanks for your help! (by dlundy1)
< any file name in the world with cin
Hello all, Yes, this is homework help: I received some feedback from my professor, I just flat out don't understand what he is trying to say, and the frustr...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks guys, it turned MinGW was the problem, none of the programs you... (by andert1)
How to import C++ dll?
Hi all, I'm very new to C++ but have moderate experience with C#. I am trying to write a dll in C++ which I can then call methods from in my C# program. I o...
[1 reply] : After intensive experimentation I have found a solution that works. B... (by acernine)
Problems with loops
I have a code whose job is to read in, approximately, 255^2 data sets from a .txt file, and then output one specific type of data from this file - i.e. the orig...
[5 replies] Last: All I get is '-1' one time - '-1' is the first value the program is to... (by rkim26727)
by mehak
pointers and type casting
my question is when i typecast the integer array then y on incrementing the pointer i get a 0 at the second position.thnx in advance for the help #include...
[5 replies] Last: thnx a lot that was really helpful! (by mehak)
by Fl4me
Displaying Hazard level for calculated PSI
So guys, its a little hard to explain what I want so I'll try anyway. Basically this program is to calculate 3 hourly PSI value and show the hazard level of the...
[4 replies] Last: Are you using a C++ compiler? Afterall, this is a C++ forum. Well... (by Fl4me)
Noob question about & and const
Hi, could someone be kind enough to explain me this piece of code? const int*const Method3(const int*const&)const;
[9 replies] Last: Your welcome Geranimo, thanks to LowestOne and giblit. (by Richard 4234)
Web interacton
I would like to know how to interact with a web page. I already know how to do a GET request and I know how to use WinInet. What functions/API do I need to use ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok , ill take a look into that. (by user123)
No Windows Form template?
I am using Visual Studio Express 2013 on Win7 64bit. I don't have the "Win23 Form Application" option under c++, when doing file-> new project.. Is this normal...
[no replies]
Linking static library
I am trying to link my own library (.lib file) to a new project. I've found millions of guides with all kinds of different explanations,I am reallyconfused rig...
[6 replies] Last: Nevermind , I got the thing to work. Thterad cloesd. (by user123)
July 2014 Pages: 1234... 43
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