Beginners - June 2013 (Page 11)

Movie Ticket Booking. Array,loop, string.
I am a trying to show the seating arrangement of a Cinema Hall consisting of 5 rows and 7 columns. Then, i have to ask the user to enter their seat choice and w...
[1 reply] : hello, I tried to follow as much as possible to your code. in your co... (by ar2007)
How to have two classes with each as a data member of the other?
For example, this will result in error: class Girl { public: Guy boyfriend; } class Guy { public: Girl girlfriend;...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help, JLBorges. Now I'm getting somewhere. (by prestokeys)
Write and reading class
Hello It is possible to write pseudo code in a txt file and generate a .h or .cpp with this txt? Thank You for atten!
[no replies]
counting how many times each word appears in binary file
hello :) i have one homework to do but i don't understand how to do it, so: i have given binary file that contains words that are separated with space or punct...
[no replies]
Can someone show me a really basic c++11 socket example?
its hard to find anything on sockets on the net, I would appreciate the most simple example possible quite a lot, maybe getting a line of text of a website or s...
[1 reply] : :/ (by devonrevenge)
How to round to two decimal places?
Write your question here. string productSelected, product = {"Apples", "Bananas", "Pears"}; float cost, productCost = {2.10, 0.89, 2.60}; in...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by alijared)
Compare execution time
Hello I want to compare the execution time between this 2 codes: I get a 0.007 to 0.035s , I did not get a clear result of execution time in code::blocks compi...
[10 replies] Last: I will read the documentation, but I never had the time since I just r... (by a967Bytes)
Simple webcam interface embedded while loop
Hello, I'm quite a beginner at C++ so I apologize if this question is very elementary. So essentially I am trying to write a C++ console application in V...
[no replies]
int & long
int Integer. 4bytes signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647 unsigned: 0 to 4294967295 long int (long) Long integer. 4bytes sign...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you I got it. (by a967Bytes)
How is this code invalid?
I just add and took some stuff away and it dosnt work This should find numbers in range between the 2numbers that the user types This works> #include ...
[9 replies] Last: yep i got you now thanks so much Yemeni and i use Visual studio ultima... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
I have question about string array!!
Hi, I have question about string array!! I have a project from my algorithm class which is to implement sorting program that sorts large text file!! The sorting...
[2 replies] Last: Hi thanks for your comment!!! you are saying that the stream object ca... (by munjo5746)
How is this code valid?
How is this code valid? I found it in a book of mine, and to me it seems like the author has missed out on a lot of { :s and } :s. But the whole program runs ...
[5 replies] Last: I see. Thanks guys :) (by GoranGaming)
by joez
Friend class
Hello people, I am trying to work with a friend class but for some reason when I want to cout my variable of interest it returns a memory space (I think so) ...
[1 reply] : PopulationFrequency::arraysize is an int, it won't write a space. You... (by kbw)
Logical Problem
I know this question has been asked before, but the answers were, with my very limited knowledge of C++, too complicated for me to understand. So I'm asking you...
[12 replies] Last: [quote=amhndu]ihutch... You shouldn't have posted the answer to the pr... (by MrHutch)
by codder
[ASM] Pointer move
i have a pointer that points at specific localtion DWORD* ptr = (DWORD*)0x006956B2; DWORD _eax; how i can move the pointed data into _eax I tried m...
[no replies]
by hychan
A program of generating a suffix of an integer n ( 1 ≤ n ≤ 10 to the power of 10000 ).
How can I write a program to generate a suffix of an integer n ( 1 ≤ n ≤ 10 to the power of 10000 )?
[1 reply] : > a suffix A suffix of how many digits? (by JLBorges)
compiling error in function
# include<iostream.h> int fact(int x); int main () { int n,r,a,b,c,d,e; cout<<"find the value of nCr "<<endl; cout<<"value for n "<<endl; cin>>n; cout<<"value ...
[6 replies] Last: I think it was OP too, it was already reported before i posted. (by Jaybob66)
Similar site for c#
- Being that i recently started learning and doing research in c#, i wanted to ask all of you if you knew of a site that is similar to this one and is based on ...
[1 reply] : (by mutexe)
Newbie question. please help me :D
If the code is like this: cout << "Please type 1 for ----" << endl; cout << "Please type 2 for ----" << endl; cin >> type; switch(type) { case 1: e...
[2 replies] Last: ohh yeah i forgot the break :) thank you so much. (by caloyski34)
help me please?
help me with my codes. how do i end the loop when i enter a value and by not breaking the loop? because when i enter a value in the seat it keeps on repeating....
[1 reply] : First, to make a loop repeat there are many options and none of those ... (by Smac89)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 910111213... 49
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