Beginners - June 2014 (Page 46)

by locolo
Array vs Struct - exam question!!
Describe 2 differences between an array and a struct: An array can only hold one type of data (int, char,float). While a struct can hold more than one type o...
[1 reply] : (by locolo)
by locolo
Division: using floats and integers
Assuming that a variable x and y are integers, while variable a is a float. Identify and explain the problem with the following code. Re-write the code with th...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I forgot about type casting!! (by locolo)
Have to use loop to find sum between two integers. HELP!!
I have to use a loop to find the sum between two integers that the user chooses. The integers can be negative. Im having trouble as I am a very new user to C++....
[4 replies] Last: @ Long Double Main Hi long double main! I'm still supposed to be bobt... (by BobTheZealotIsEpic)
by locolo
Pass by reference/return value - advantages and disadvantages
Explain the difference between pass by reference and using return values with respect to both how these features work and the advantages and disadvantages of ea...
[2 replies] Last: Return value is used when the function needs to return only a value. I... (by locolo)
Tic Tac Toe game
I love gaming and its one of the reasons I got interested in coding and I am currently working on this tic tac toe game and I would love if you guys could help ...
[1 reply] : The exact same thing you asked on stackoverflow. It's better to ask it... (by BobTheZealotIsEpic)
Problem of Creating user define functions of XLL (excel)
When I debug this function into XLL file and run it in excel I get a weird number 1463342408 for wpsum(2,3). any body can help me on this. Many thanks! /...
[2 replies] Last: hello (by powerstate)
Running Half an If Statement
I am currently having an issue with the code below. It is a rather simple code that takes a users input to add food to a menu and can take that input and remove...
[3 replies] Last: Recursive stacking may eventually hit a limit, a work around would be ... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
by venros
C++ Regex -Reading HTML Tags
Hi guys, I'm trying to read matched html tags ex: <html> == </html> <b> == </b> etc. I tried doing this with strings and substrings but got reall...
[8 replies] Last: sadly it is not working with my VS, i will book mark this for future u... (by venros)
Why doesn't code reverse string?
Hello everyone, I unfortunately had to take a little break from learning programming so I have forgotten a few things and a little rusty, so I apologize if the ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys. I can't believe I forgot about starting at 0 and the '\0... (by Mechennyy)
Dynamic allocation by eltony
what it is dynamic allocation elton ?
[1 reply] : I don't know who elton is. Dynamic allocation is allocating memory (us... (by Pindrought)
by Sgreen
CSC noobie help
Hello brand new to programming and I need a little boost if possible. I'm sure this is something simple but I am receiving an error with this project: #...
[2 replies] Last: Line 17: hint: spell celsiusAtDepth (by Pindrought)
Return a sequence of equations to the beginning of the program
I am using MS Visual C++ 2010. I have written an equation that works fine. There are two additional equations that follow it, each of them using the prior equat...
[2 replies] Last: Thank You!!!!! John (by Jko89hj)
Two errors occuring, I don't know what they mean,
This program compiles correctly but when I go to run it I get two errors. They are: Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "double __cdecl kenteicEn...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you. That is two programs that I have had in a row that a typo k... (by kmartar)
how do you do a loop for this??
I'm a beginner and I have a program that turns names into codes but I just have to fix the loop. I don't know how to use the arry so that stumps me the most so ...
[4 replies] Last: Check in the loops section: (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
Not sure what is wrong with this thing.
I am getting an error on line 31 and I cannot figure out what is wrong. Also when I need to go in a retype something or add something in the middle of a stateme...
[4 replies] Last: Peter87 thank you so much! cire you are awesome thank you for the fin... (by kmartar)
I have this program that would run a Palindrome, but it includes blank spaces, punctuation, and is case-sensitive. And i need to ignore the blank spaces, punctu...
[3 replies] Last: you would need to create a function which takes the string of the pali... (by alex067)
Mixed Number Program
I have a program which allows the user to input mixed numbers such as fractions and performs addition, subtraction, division, multiplication operations. Howe...
[4 replies] Last: it will not properly calculate a mixed number + a mixed number when de... (by alex067)
namespace confusion...
I am trying to be very careful about using namespaces, but it seems like my compiler is aware of names even though I have not provided a namespace. How does thi...
[3 replies] Last: It partially circumvents the whole idea with namespaces. But I guess i... (by squarehead)
by tdk93
What happens if a function returns but i take the address of it's local variable?
I don't understand how this program is still able to give correct output. #include <stdio.h> int* fun(); int main() { int *j,d =5; j ...
[2 replies] Last: When you call fun() at line 9, fun() allocates local storage for k. W... (by AbstractionAnon)
STL Map Data Type
I was having some issues using the map data type from the STL. At first I was just passing the map variable to various functions, add, remove and list. In the a...
[2 replies] Last: I just realized when I used the reference last, I didn't change the fu... (by horrificmonster)
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