Beginners - June 2015 (Page 2)

by krazor
Hi i'm new to this forum so please forgive me if i post this incorrectly. i am writing a program as an assessment but i cant get my head around it. what i ...
[2 replies] Last: Do you realize that getline() extracts the delimiter from the stream a... (by jlb)
Simple Beginners Program
Salutations! I'm basically trying to go through all of the beginning problems that were posted here: The out...
[5 replies] Last: @CodeWriter Oh ! Okay, that makes sense. Thank you. I have it figured ... (by CoderWannabe)
Inheritance, monster base class
Hi there currently creating a small game with graphics using Allegro 5. Though I am having some issues on which is the most proper way to create several monster...
[4 replies] Last: oooo, thanks, this was helpful :) (by MatiasMunk)
C++ [HELP]
How to Create a Program in C++ displaying the content of a File? . I have no idea yet. Help ^^
[7 replies] Last: fstream is a type, and can be used for both read and write operations.... (by megatron 0)
Derived class doubt
Hi there, So, if I have a class Person, in which the elements are private (instead of protected), do I have to define them again in the derived class? Here's t...
[3 replies] Last: Keep in mind that if the member variables in the base class are privat... (by AbstractionAnon)
How would you read and compare to arrays
How would you compare to arrays and determine if the containers of both of the arrays are the same? So here is an example. #include <iostream> #include <os...
[3 replies] Last: You have included vector, use it? std::vector<int> lottery, user; ... (by megatron 0)
Global pointers? Need help with cross class varibles or pointers
I have been working on a small C++ game with Qt, but I wanted to make a simple AI for the game to be a bit more interesting. But I need the Enemy class to know ...
[6 replies] Last: Ok, will take your advice on that. I might just merge both classes to ... (by nanoandrew)
help with string in array
I have an array with string data in it at myArray . The string is /user/Music/filename.txt what I need is to remove /user/Music/ from it and leave filename.txt ...
[7 replies] Last: Cool found what I needed here on this site at (by jsonlickliter)
Hello, i just wanted some input from professionals on whether or not my code is efficient or proper. its a simple program using pointers and dynamic memory allo...
[5 replies] Last: I think its probably good to get in the habit of using const where you... (by shawnlau)
by wrymn
Best way to handle threaded object management
Hi, I have this game engine where I wanted to thread object/chunk loading, so main thread doesn`t get lag spikes when new objects/2D tiles are loading. What ...
[3 replies] Last: Yes sorry, updates the description. I don't see them. What is main_ob... (by helios)
Encrypt / Decrypt text file
Hello, I have a text file to crypt, send with ftp and decrypt on my server (If I'll need). I'm looking for a easier way to do it, I'm a noob with C++ and isn...
[1 reply] : Load whole file into memory and treat it as one big sentence. (by MiiNiPaa)
by h4ever
Unresolved externals and link errors
Can anybody help me to solve these problems? 1> aokts.cpp 1>functions.obj : error LNK2005: "char const * const askSaveChanges" (?askSaveChanges@@3PBDB) alr...
[15 replies] Last: The program is already designed to work with scen as global. But now I... (by h4ever)
How do I use shellexecute in submenu to open files?
Write your question here. #include <windows.h> #define ID_Save 1 #define ID_Load 2 #define ID_Exit 3 #define ID_Undo 4 #define ID_Redo 5 #define ID_...
[no replies]
Problem with looping back to start of the loop
How should I edit my program so if I enter a # bigger than 80, I have to enter another number ("input") and if this "input" is equal to/less than 80, it gives m...
[6 replies] Last: @JewelCpp: I did? My logic is the same, just a different way of doing... (by koothkeeper)
by berkxz
C++ (increment and decrement) problem, Need help!
Please answer, why the value of this becomes 14? My answer is 13, what's yours and if your answer is 14, please explain why. Thank you! using namespace s...
[1 reply] : Bottom line: the program results in undefined behavior at line 6, so m... (by dhayden)
by Filorn
tutorial download
I've got a very low internet connection and i need to download the tutorial of this site as complete as possible. How can i?
[2 replies] Last: ok thanks (by Filorn)
hi friends
glad to meet you all. am new here and also for this software field, hope i can lot of new things from here.
[5 replies] Last: hi, i discovered this site two days ago and people here are very helpf... (by Filorn)
LNK Errors after changing project properties
Im following this ( tutorial and the only thing ive done in the project is to edit this in the project properties: ...
[no replies]
Not sure if I deleted multidimensional pointer array correctly
My code below attempts to (1) create a multidimensional pointer array; (2) populate it with numbers; (3) print the populated array as a table; (4) delete the ar...
[1 reply] : but what's going on with the last row? Values are just not overwritte... (by MiiNiPaa)
making log file
hey, i want to be able to store every log that happens in its own text file in a folder called "logs" how could i store all of the displayed data till the stop ...
[4 replies] Last: > ... in its own text file for each launch. Add a time stamp to the n... (by JLBorges)
June 2015 Pages: 1234... 32
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