Beginners - June 2016 (Page 7)

"Type This" Game
Write your question here. I am a beginner at C++ and I need help regarding a certain program I must make: I would like to be able to make a type this game t...
[1 reply] : Running your code in produces a lot of errors! The com... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
Using an object from Class A in Class B
Hi, So I have a class Student that contains student first name and last name And I have 2 other classes named DateOfBirth and Units What I'm trying to do is ...
[7 replies] Last: How does this ensure that when the vector takes in the student object... (by AbstractionAnon)
Help pls (1,2)
Hello, I'm new in this site. I need help for my Unity Game. So I finished my game but I want the game to Auto-Save and Auto-Load. And I'm a NOOB at C++, I know ...
[23 replies] Last: I already have a script BUT i'm getting errors with it: http://www.tal... (by Salar 2)
by Job 04
Reading strings and integers from textile
Hi, I have a script that uses several variables. I first give all these variables a value. I then want the script to read a textfile and if it finds the variabl...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for helping! Everything is working now :) (by Job 04)
by yiddo
Multidimensional Array - can't compile
Hello guys. Last time i couldn't compile something i understood that i have to enable C++11 ISO etc... in my CodeBlocks settings. I'm not sure what i am missing...
[2 replies] Last: I had few unsuccessful tries and went mad (renaming variables). I am s... (by yiddo)
A few coding errors
Mind showing me what I did wrong? //Ashton Dreiling //Money exercise #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namesp...
[17 replies] Last: change your integers back to doubles(#youwhererighttostartwith)....tha... (by closed account 37oyvCM9)
How to print coloured window with text?
How to print coloured window in output with text in it?
[5 replies] Last: I am also using c4droid android app. As android runs on linux kernel i... (by thebytthree)
Simple Game
I can't figure out what is wrong with my program. When you meet the S, and you have an instant kill, and you choose no, it automatically kills the enemy. Please...
[3 replies] Last: line 240: the 2 conditions that you OR'ed together are identical. Why... (by doug4)
Help and very urgent (Graph and Loop)
So basically the code works and everything, but my main problem is how can I put loop so it can show in the graphics window? #include "iostream.h" #include "...
[1 reply] : So, you wanna know how to actually get the circles and rectangles draw... (by BayBayMan)
Idk how to describe it
Hi guys, I've been working on the program that simulates the windspeed with chance of storms and microbursts during storms. So the problem is that it stops work...
[5 replies] Last: Oh yes? On what line do you set its initial value? Oops... Didn't ... (by doefromheaven)
About overloading operators
Hi guys, I have a question, now I learning about overloading operators. Now I'll tell you my question. How can gather two objects created by me with overloading...
[2 replies] Last: I was a little confused, I wanted to say how to compare more objects. ... (by Dezibil Ad)
by opengl
boost lock_guard
I need a lock guard as bellow,if my code was used by multithread,the lock would work,but do nothing for singlethread.I used a bool param to enable this feature....
[3 replies] Last: Something like this, perhaps: #include <mutex> #include <type_traits... (by JLBorges)
Storing input to array
I have been working with some code for an assignment, but I can't figure out how to store the user input into an array. So far I have: #include<iostream...
[1 reply] : (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
my errors about use of parameter ' ***** 'outside function body
Hi friends, Running the following program results in these errors: line 1 error: use of parameter ‘arraysize’ outside function body. line 1 error:...
[3 replies] Last: Please show your current code. Also it would be easier to see the actu... (by jlb)
Creating a loop to monitor incoming TCP/IP traffic
I am trying to create a loop that will keep receiving messages over TCP/IP and printing them also. My code it as follows: /* Create a TCP socket */ #in...
[no replies]
string permutation lexicographic order problem
I am pretty much a beginner in c++ and wanted a little challenge so i decided to make a program to print out all permutations of a string in a lexicographic ord...
[8 replies] Last: thanks for trying to help but it doesn't help me improve my code it re... (by globaltourist)
I started to learn C++ yesterday and I wanted to ask for help. This exercise is to make a program ask you to type in a letter until you type in the right one. I...
[6 replies] Last: just for extra precaution add this #include <iostream> using names... (by shadder)
Array takes more values than it is defined for
I started using arrays just a week ago, and I'm running into some problems .While inputting an array using the for loop, I made the initialiazer variable in the...
[8 replies] Last: 1)How do I increase the warning level ?(Using Dev C++) Are you usin... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help using functions to calculate and print grade
Hello, I'm trying to do two functions, the first one should take the 3 grades as arguments, calculate the overall grade, and return the grade; the second one s...
[5 replies] Last: welcome :) (by shadder)
by Enum81
Outputing Slowly
So, I know how to make the text in a string read out slowly but my question is, is there a faster way to do it or will I have to go through every sentence in my...
[6 replies] Last: haha, I was just about to mention that actually. Great minds think ali... (by Enum81)
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