General C++ Programming - April 2015

I can't seem to figure out how to get smallest and largest
Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of single digit numbers with nothing separating them. Read the input as a C-string or a string object. T...
[2 replies] Last: Hello :) Maybe there is a better way to do this but what i came up wit... (by konstance)
Deleting an element of array of pointers
Hello, so I got a problem with delete. Meet my array: Volume *theVolumes In my library object that take cares of the array has a little problem deleting a...
[2 replies] Last: Why is that, do I have to specifically tell the destructor of the abs... (by kempofighter)
Help with inheritence
I have the program below for my class that is supposed to demonstrate inheritance. However, when I run the program, I get an "Error reading character of strin...
[3 replies] Last: I figured it out. I wasn't setting the protected members of the class... (by cmt9000)
I can't seem to figure out how to a) get the program to close when I select 8 and b) it keeps giving me the error message "error: invalid conversion from ‘ele...
[3 replies] Last: I ran your code thru a compiler and got this. I suggest you fix them ... (by kbw)
Program to generate a card deck
//So far this program generates a card deck, shuffles it, and outputs the card //Header file-------------------------------------------------------------------...
[2 replies] Last: thank you! (by misspartee)
C++ ATM Final missing something!
Hello all I have a problem with my code. The project wants 1000 dollars in each account (checking, savings). I have that working but by Thursday I need this pro...
[no replies]
Run the program until user input
Hello everybody, I've had a doubt. Is it possible to write a code such that the program keeps running till it detects some user input. It should run witho...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <chrono> #include <future> #include <cti... (by JLBorges)
by dilver
may be error
in this link : diablosilvermoon (6) posted about screen pause and Jesse (12) replied him : "....Using the...
[no replies]
by tvv
in CPP is there any concept of friend constructor
Is there any friend constructor concept in CPP. If yes then plz tell me about it.
[6 replies] Last: A constructor is a (special) function so you can declare a constructor... (by Peter87)
by Dkob1
Overload operators
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class FRACT { private: int n, d; public: void ReadFract() { cout << "Enter a fraction: "; cin >> n; cin.ignore()...
[1 reply] : you cannot store 2/3 on an int you need to have separete var for int... (by xenovia12)
Operator Overloading
can someone please tell me what is operator overloading? with a simple program?
[1 reply] : Take a look at this: (by coder777)
by arvust
Store double in memory
Hi, I am working on a practical for a university topic and have got stuck when asked to store the value of a double in memory and then return that value from...
[1 reply] : Well, stack.pop returns the value of the popped element. If that's a p... (by Gamer2015)
Counting sort
I am doing a non comparison based sort based on counting sort. I have done a simulation on paper but I am having trouble actually coding it. I know i n...
[no replies]
Developing a PDF Printer Driver for Windows.
Hi All, I've got a project to develop a virtual pdf printer driver for windows in C++ programming language. I'm unsure how to develop this. Can yo...
[1 reply] : BIG project! Probably start here: (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by EtaXi
Help with Study Guide?
I have a few questions that I couldn't figure out and was wondering if anyone could help me so that I have something accurate to study on for my next exam. Even...
[1 reply] : Write the class declaration of array that has, as private data, a dyn... (by Gamer2015)
by frankj
C++ QUESTION..struggling
I'm getting error ISO C++ declaration of 'render' with no type [-fpermissive] and I don't know why.... I'm sorry this is so long but -------------My render....
[5 replies] Last: render is a function, not an object with a make method.... (by cire)
Login Interface- text basded
Here is some code i typed up for a text adventure i have named Pingers United. I am wondering what people think and how could it be improved? heres the code ...
[2 replies] Last: Create some Functions so its easier to read! -add login loop -clear ... (by Sanction)
Im getting a logic error its adding up the feet and yards properly but the conversion is off. its just adding the feet and not converting them into yards ...
[1 reply] : First of all sum.feet has no assigned value when you check with the if... (by konstance)
by Salvio
Hi guys, I'm having a problem using threads. When I run the functions individually (one per time) they work perfectly, but when I set them to run together (at t...
[1 reply] : You're not doing any synchronization, so of course this is going to fa... (by Disch)
by mtb69
Enter bar code and get zip code?
I was looking online online and found a code very similar to this one in the sense that if you enter a zip code it gives you the postal bar code of the zip code...
[2 replies] Last: Im a very basic c++ user, is there a way that I can type in the bar co... (by mtb69)
April 2015 Pages: 123... 28
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