General C++ Programming - April 2017 (Page 4)

lvalue required as left operand of assignment
heres the source code the program is suppose to find a secret number that all four digits are different the digit in the thousands place is th...
[6 replies] Last: You could increment num, but right now, each number in the final 4 dig... (by wildblue)
by varmy
Help Me with Troubles about Reading MAX6675
Hello,all I use the io-port of G2553 analog spi to read the temperature value of MAX6675,but I don’t know why it’s always zero here.My program is written a...
[no replies]
Function for finding mean average of an array
Hello everyone. I need a little bit of help here. I am writing a slightly long assignment for my intro level c++ course, which involves manipulating arrays in d...
[3 replies] Last: Line 104 above should be deleted - luckily it didn't matter for the ou... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Kalcor
Err, need help understanding this
You've got a 5 × 5 matrix, consisting of 24 zeroes and a single number one. Let's index the matrix rows by numbers from 1 to 5 from top to bottom, let's i...
[2 replies] Last: The answer is simply the total of the column and row differences betwe... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Xyreh
Coding a Parser
So the assignment for this class is to code a recursive descent parser. I got the parser to detect errors in bad files and then output the errors. Now I need t...
[3 replies] Last: Generally, you want to separate the functions of the tokeniser (also c... (by nihar33)
need some questions answered which i cannot get
Good day I am trying answer some questions but despite long hours of researching i cannot find them so i am hoping someone here can help me. I have to find the...
[6 replies] Last: The question is a bit underspecified. The interface changes with time... (by mbozzi)
converting arrays to pointers
hello everyone... i have this class assignment and i need to convert my functions that use arrays to functions that use pointers that do the same thing... ...
[6 replies] Last: mbozzi you are the man! i can't thank you enough i was finally able t... (by theshad0w)
by faeory
need help understanding this proj plss
i need help understanding how can i write the code of this project guyes, In the project, i was asked to design and implement a restaurant system. The restau...
[no replies]
error (1,2)
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class tollbooth { public: tollbooth (); // inits cars and money vars to 0 payincar (); //inc...
[34 replies] Last: @mikeal200 I'm glad that I did help you. No one is dumb. :) (by duman)
Need help understanding
My professor has given us this assignment and her solutions are quite confusing. Please if you can help break down the assignment and solution it would be muc...
[1 reply] : Assignment: Write a program to provide a report of student grades. Ea... (by jonnin)
About extracting characters from and int, bitwise operators.
We went over bitwise operators very briefly in class, and it was mentioned that extract characters from an int using masks, but with what little we covered I st...
[3 replies] Last: *corrected error* I have recognized now that my explanation for set... (by nuderobmonkey)
by vibhu
getting segmentation fault error in c++
getting segmentation fault in C++ code I am new to c++, concising the code,my c++ code is giving me segmentation fault error, even debug is not detecting the ...
[5 replies] Last: hi coder777 , else portion is not a problem since compiler is executin... (by vibhu)
Creation of an Object Model using UML Conventions
I have the problem statement to make an Object Model for. Problem Statement: Every vehicle has an engine and a gearbox. A gearbox is composed of pulleys wor...
[4 replies] Last: You show it with the multiplicity notation. Brother, really thanks... (by khaw235)
Need help for edit text file
Hi, I am learning C++. I need some help to solve this problem. In my text file, I have Q1:aa dd Q2:bb cc Q3:cc ee Q4:dd aa Q5:ee dd and I would like to repl...
[1 reply] : There is a replace function in std::string (by bonho)
spyxx_amd64.exe missing !!
Hi all, I have installed Visual Studio Community 2017 and I do have Spy++ under the Tools Menu but it only captures Window messages for windows in 32Bit ap...
[9 replies] Last: I am afraid you are right. Another option would be Window Detective. ... (by Thomas1965)
Extrat SHELLCODE from my dll ?
Hi all, I have written a 64bit C++ dll in Visual Studio Community 2017 and I am using it successfully in Excel/VBA . Now, in order for the Client VBA applicat...
[no replies]
Trie Search Problem
I'm trying to implement a trie that can print out the frequency of words with a given prefix (see autocompelte function). The function seems to show ghost words...
[1 reply] : Its difficult to go over 240+ lines of code to answer your query re a ... (by gunnerfunner)
Not compiling: saying unreferenced local variable!
I have two files, one cpp and one header. I have to report the circle's area, diameter, and circumference after asking the user to input radius. This is the err...
[6 replies] Last: Line 21 is a function declaration, not a function invocation. void ... (by mbozzi)
by Kalcor
Lucky numbers
Given an input 'n' from the user, you need to find all lucky numbers from 1 to n. Lucky numbers are those which have either 4 or 7 or both as their digits ex: ...
[4 replies] Last: I managed to reach it in another solution using recursion, I hope it h... (by Kalcor)
by Kalcor
Logical misunderstanding
Little Petya very much likes gifts. Recently he has received a new laptop as a New Year gift from his mother. He immediately decided to give it to somebody els...
[no replies]
April 2017 Pages: 123456... 16
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