General C++ Programming - April 2018 (Page 4)

debug assertion error
hello I prepared a following code in visual studio 2017 and when I want to run it in debug state then an error will occurred about debug assertion and I think t...
[3 replies] Last: for (i = 1; i <= Data.size(); i++) { Data = rand() % 2; std::c... (by kbw)
Embedded World Exhibition and Conference 2018
ESR Labs is deeply embedded in the development of automotive software solutions. As of today, software is a core element in millions of active cars. On their we...
[1 reply] : Actually this is not spam. (by coder777)
by vmay93
2D Array for QuarterlySales
How do I create a getInput function, a calcTotal function and a displayResults function. When the purpose of getInput is to prompt the user for input and assign...
[no replies]
whats the meaning of this type of vector? std::vector<int> g{ { 1,2,3,4 } };
[6 replies] Last: Okay, so What is your exact, full error message..? If it's runnin... (by Ganado)
Merge Sort Errors
Program is running. But it is only displaying 0 values rather than the sorted values. It is also displaying an 'abort trap 6 error'. What could be going wrong?
[1 reply] : Instead of starting with 100, let's start with 1, or 2, or 10. Let's d... (by Ganado)
fstream help
Hello everyone, I am having a hard time figuring out how to form a circular doubly linked list from a text file. With this code I manage to read the start node ...
[3 replies] Last: it still always print that the list is empty Supposing your “1.txt... (by Enoizat)
What's wrong with my pancake sort?
Hello! I have been working on the pancake sort algorithm and I challenged myself to implement this algorithm without using any resource from the internet. ...
[12 replies] Last: Sorry for the late reply haven't checked any of the solutions that you... (by stonedviper)
// // main.cpp // CPS Machine Problems // // Created by Babafemi Omole on 2/25/18. // Copyright © 2018 Babafemi Omole. All rights reserved. // /* ...
[no replies]
This assignment is to give you practice using one-dimensional arrays and sorting. In competitive diving, each diver makes dives of varying degrees of difficu...
[no replies]
This assignment is to give you practice using enums, string variables, and string functions. In order to get full credit for the program you must use these th...
[no replies]
by CFLam
read in big CSV file performance issue (1,2)
Hello all, I need to read in many big CSV file to process in C++ (range from few MB to hundreds MB) At first, I open with fstream, use getline to read each lin...
[24 replies] Last: @jonnin, Not apply to my case ~_~ I need to keep many vector of struct... (by CFLam)
by CFLam
Use fscanf to read in variable numbers of integer
Hello all, I have over 100,000 csv files in the below format: 1,1,5,1,1,1,0,0,6,6,1,1,1,0,1,0,13,4,7,8,18,20,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,1,5,1,1,1,0,1,6,...
[2 replies] Last: @jonnin Below please find my piece of code: // may tried RandomA... (by CFLam)
I can't compile.
I can't compile my project. I was trying to make a Win32 window application on Visual Studio 2010. I tried compiling it before I edited it. Then there came a fa...
[1 reply] : Google search of your error brought me here, but not sure if it's the ... (by Ganado)
What is this macro doing?
In portaudio, there are data type definitions like paInt32 and paFloat32. I was looking at the header file where these are defined: typedef unsigned long...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, not sure what I was thinking, you're right they are just flags th... (by G0rdano)
question on template usage
Hello, Im a very beginner in cpp. I am trying to compile this code, template <int K, string V> class Entry { public: Entry(const K& k, const V& v);//...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks all. Good to know. (by jsjalmon)
virtual functions: can i call a derived class function, if isn't defined?
on base class we have: virtual void Hello()=0; on derived class we have: void Hello(); //not defined here i will get 2 errors: 1 - "undefined reference...
[2 replies] Last: i'm sorry, is only for see if i can create a global macro for the func... (by Cambalinho)
Overriding operators mybigint.h
[2 replies] Last: Sorry about that hopefully it is formatted better now. Any light you c... (by lastHope)
by zolo
odeint c++ coupled ODEs
Hi, I am using odeint for numerical solution of coupled ODEs. It seems to work very well using the system definition like this: void system( const state...
[5 replies] Last: The issue is more whether you can diagonalise the matrix. I'm afraid ... (by lastchance)
by KeysXX
Array assignment help
I am struggling with this assignment. I have it read the text file but not too sure how to complete the rest of the assignment. These are the 5 things my progra...
[1 reply] : If you have 1, then you almost have 3, 4, and 5. Rather than just prin... (by keskiverto)
Question regarding reference in c++
Here is my code: struct A { A(int x) { y = x; } int y; }; A obj = 2; A& rObj = 2;//<This code does not compile as lvalue shoul...
[2 replies] Last: non-const references does not bind to temporary objects. This line ... (by Peter87)
April 2018 Pages: 123456... 17
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