General C++ Programming - December 2014 (Page 29)

Baseball Statistics
I need help reading in csv files and updating a master file for baseball statistics
[1 reply] : You can search the site, hope this helps. (by lostwithcpp)
by luke8h
Accessing data function/members?
On lines 5, 11, 42 there are issues. I have the incorrect code to tell the program which room i am in. Not sure for the proper code to use to get the correct re...
[7 replies] Last: Show the code that sets the descriptions. (by LB)
Need help with linked list game program!
Hi I'm obviously somewhat new to programming and I'm at a lost in this particular chapter. We have to essentially create a game using linked lists using a Map, ...
[1 reply] : You might have better luck asking this question on gamedev or allegro.... (by lostwithcpp)
by omegaQ
error trapping
i've looked at many forums still haven't found a proper answer to my question so i'm asking myself. cin.clear cin.ignore how to use? ALL any forum said is w...
[1 reply] : Well, you use them depending on your needs. There is literally hundres... (by MiiNiPaa)
Graph program
Given this code i need to create the destructor for a vertex vector but i'm not exactly sure how to clear the vertex vector, can anyone help me out, thanks. ...
[no replies]
graph help!!
Anybody can write me this programme? Unfortunatelly I cannot solve it: "Write a program that reads in an adjacency list (unordered) from a file ( ...
[1 reply] : Anybody can write me this programme? No. The purpose of homework is... (by keskiverto)
negative number help!
My code runs, but for some reason my average is coming back with a negative number... #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[no replies]
2d vector check if an index equal to null problem
how to check if a specific index equal to null when i try to implement it, it gives an error for example: vector < vector <double> > v; v .push_back(0)...
[1 reply] : A double can't be null. Only pointers can. v is out of bounds so it... (by Peter87)
Help with single Sorted LinkedList with Initializer List
SortedList<T>::SortedList(initializer_list<T> e){ } Anyone to explain how to /help me make a single Sorted LinkedList using pointer Nodes? [:)] Have home...
[1 reply] : Have you written the function to insert a new value into SortedList<T... (by JLBorges)
Visual Studio C++ bool std:: operator == error
Hello, I am currently programing in Visual C++. I am a C++ programmer, but I am not used to using visual Studios; code that works in PuTTy does not always work...
[4 replies] Last: Oh! I believe it's because I have have dataName pointed to; it is stil... (by Arkl1ne5)
by ameneh
Restrict an output of Mersenne Twister to 16 bits instead of 32 bits
Dear all I want to use MT as a random number generator in my simulation which is consisted a sensor with a limit memory. I want to convert the output of RNG...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks (by ameneh)
Two-dimensional array
I'm working on a program using arrays and I'm trying to figure out First, with the following array declaration, what is the value stored in the scores ele...
[3 replies] Last: Yep. (by kbw)
Need to Read text from a .txt file and convert to PIG LATIN
//This is what I have so far and it relies on manual cin. Can someone help me //change this to read a file ( //
[1 reply] : Give your shell the command: yourProgramName <infileName >outFileNam... (by tcs)
Adding to the end of a Doubly Linked Circular list
Should my if statement be if (tail== NULL) or if(tail->next == tail) ?
[4 replies] Last: Some more hints: You're accessing an uninitialzed pointer in line 4. ... (by tcs)
by ewhizz
mac addresses
I have a device that detects bluetooth mac addresses and wanted to know if there is a way of producing multiple mac addresses in software for a test system.
[1 reply] : I think it will depend on your bluetooth hardware. If its API offers a... (by tcs)
Polynomial multiplication
I have a class polynomialType that is derived from a base class arrayListType as shown below: template<class elemType> class arrayListType { ...
[8 replies] Last: I'm sorry, but an int parameter in fact can be given a negative valu... (by tcs)
user declaring the size of array?
is it possible to use this code ? #include <iostream> int main(int argc, const char * argv ) { int number = 0; std::cout << "napis cifro za array\n...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=MarkyMark]why does function main have parameters? It's one of ... (by Peter87)
please any one teach me single type of loop
[2 replies] Last: (by mutexe)
MD5 hash algorithm
Can someone explain, in words, how MD5 hash works? so I could implement it. The point of this is for me to understand it and write it completely on my own.
[2 replies] Last: Read this: (by Peter87)
Help!! I dont know whats wrong
This is my current code: //inlcude directories #include <iostream> #include <fstream> //declare standard using namespace std; //declare function to ...
[6 replies] Last: "(code) *code goes here* (/code)"--im sorry, im still a beginner, what... (by rachelbair)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 2728293031
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