General C++ Programming - December 2014 (Page 31)

recognizing the problem by the code given in'unhandled exception'
Hi.when i run my program it complain about unhandeled exception and give me: unhandeled exception at... In... Exe: access violation reading location... ( by......
[7 replies] Last: Take a look here: (by coder777)
Sub String Logic
This is an example of how sub string and math can be used to make logical decisions without using if/elses or switches. It works because of this equation (x + ...
[1 reply] : (x + |x|)/x = 2 if x > 0 and = 2 if x < 0. I'd think you mean '= 0 ... (by coder777)
Converting NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces() to C++
Hi, I am trying to convert a C# program to C++ in particular the following C# syntax, using System.Net.NetworkInformation; nicArr = NetworkInterface.GetA...
[1 reply] : in C++ (or better what microsoft calls CLI) you need gcnew instead of ... (by coder777)
Trouble Sorting & Calculating the Median of a Vector
I am trying to to pull data from a file into a vector, then calculate different statistics from said vector. I've got everything working great except for one pa...
[1 reply] : Explain lines 104-107. Explain line 109. What are you swapping? What ... (by keskiverto)
by cxinio
Iterative loop repeats more times than I expect
I tried my best but I can't figure out the problem. At the last part of "createArray", I output the final array created. I mean it to repeat once but then it r...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry, tcs, it should be recursive. I made a mistake. I thought they h... (by cxinio)
Random question, please help asap
1. Which of the following is the constructor name of class Computer? a. ComputerConstructor b. Computer c. ConstructorComputer d. Constructor I am tota...
[3 replies] Last: Computer is the name of the class. Constructors do not have names. ... (by JLBorges)
by Myna
Need help with string
Implement an algorithm to determine if a string has all unique characters. The user will enters a sentence and your job is to determine if there is repeating le...
[1 reply] : Simplest way is to add a check within the for-i loop to skip if str i... (by bonho)
by AmitH
Error : unresolved externals
Hi, In my program I have the following abstract class: #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <string> using namespace std; #pragma once temp...
[6 replies] Last: I could be wrong but I thought you'll have to declare / define the act... (by bonho)
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