General C++ Programming - February 2013 (Page 34)

link error
I have compiled the dependent files of my source file mycpp.c and linked the files in the order which they have used .All the dependant files are available in t...
[1 reply] : (by ne555)
Undeclared indentifiers
Trying to use multiple classes however when trying to compile it says that i have undeclared indentifiers heres the code: #include <iostream> using namespace...
[1 reply] : Please copy and paste your compiler error log. Also, you can edit your... (by LB)
Getting too big of numbers on my returns
In my OOD class, we are learning inheritance. I am trying to get each step down before proceeding to the next one for my problem. I have started my program into...
[17 replies] Last: > When you remove or rename your count and don't rename it in all plac... (by ne555)
by coder1
assertion failure
# include <iostream> using namespace std; # include <cstring> # include <string> # include <xstring> using namespace std; int main() { string cometname...
[6 replies] Last: ok, i understand now.thanks,and sorry for disturbance (by coder1)
by AMDA10
Things that work under a program
Hi, I have been studying C++ a while.I am curious about some point. When we fire up an executable,how does computer handle it?I have been hearing some buzz wo...
[4 replies] Last: SMID:If we consider doing below: A=a+b+c+d or A=a*b*c*d No, SIMD ra... (by helios)
by LB
Why does argc need to be signed?
What does the standard say are the exact limits on the types of the parameters given to main? I know it's usually int,char** or int,char* , but I thought I coul...
[14 replies] Last: @L B argv + argc That would give you a pointer, not the difference ... (by vlad from moscow)
2-Dimensional Linked Lists
I am trying to implement 2-D Linked Lists using classes My program works fine for 1-D Linked List but I am having trouble understanding the syntax for using 2-...
[3 replies] Last: It's not a 2D list, it is a 1D list of 1D lists. (by LB)
Function and Two dime array problem
Problem stated after the codes #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namespace std; struct studentsrecord{ char fname ; ...
[1 reply] : studentsrecord *itm; i]itm = studrec; The code above is invalid bec... (by vlad from moscow)
Need help in what to , and where to start in scoring on each player who forms an SOS(for player one) and OSO(for player two) on the grid , until the whole grid ...
[no replies]
C++ with Boost, Windows 7, read UTF-8 file with äöü special characters
Hello, I have the following problem: Let's pretend we have two text files: list_utf8.txt (UTF-8 coded, 30 bytes in size) list_ansi.txt (ANSI coded, 24 bytes ...
[7 replies] Last: Works for me, Visual Studio 2012: #include <iostream> #include <strin... (by Cubbi)
std::transform and boost::bind won't compile
Hi, I'm trying to use boost::bind with a simple function to transform a vector, but I can't compile it. Any idea about what I could be doing wrong? double...
[2 replies] Last: I found a way to avoid that function altogether, with the composition ... (by Enucatl)
by cnoobs
Calculating Grades
So I have to write a program to calculate a grade letter into a number. Letter grades are A, B, C, D, and F, possibly followed by + or –. Their numeric val...
[2 replies] Last: I solved it thanks for your help. (by cnoobs)
Help using array with dynamic size
I'm new to arrays with dynamic sizes. That being said, I'm working with a simple code which seems to work just fine, my only concern is that once I display the ...
[12 replies] Last: An individual string can hold any number of characters. string a = ... (by Disch)
Allowance and Expenses entry Program
So, I'm making a program that will let the user input his/her allowance for 30 days after which, they will input their accumulated expenses for that month. The ...
[no replies]
by huhwha
Need help with my switch program
got it working
[3 replies] Last: @huhwha Did you use an array or vector container to store things in?... (by TheIdeasMan)
Calculation Problem
I'm experiencing a problem within my program. I am to make a program that will let the user input 30 days of allowance and all of their accumulated expenses for...
[3 replies] Last: This code only executes once, but the inner loop goes 30 times (not 7 ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Trying to implement merge sort algorithm
I'm trying to implement a merge sort function and I'm getting a compiler error that says "no match for 'operator=' " It occurs on my recursive assignment of lef...
[no replies]
API files in Mac os
i want know location api files in mac and nead a sample api program
[4 replies] Last: where is store api file on OS X and tell me one api file name on OS... (by newsoft)
General Orginisation of Code
Hi all! Just very general question. How do you organize your code generally? Where you throw all your functions, how do you organize them. Do you pop them al...
[1 reply] : I use Xcode. Function headers uptop and function definitions below mai... (by Smac89)
by hvigil
How to clear data from a char array?
Title says it all, does anybody know how?
[19 replies] Last: Ah, I forgot that C++ supported a bits-per-byte different than 8. (by LB)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 43
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