General C++ Programming - February 2018 (Page 9)

I need help with this, I am supposed to write flight information to file and then output the information to the console.... having a bit of trouble with this #i...
[7 replies] Last: @ CPPAWhile , austin9398 Some other things to do, maybe the apply... (by TheIdeasMan)
lock weak_ptr to const shared_ptr reference
Got a little confusion here on how auto works. I've got this test program blow. I'm taking the reference to the return value of weak_ptr.lock(), which I pres...
[1 reply] : Binding a temporary object to a const reference extends the life time ... (by Peter87)
Addition number to constuctor
Can anyone tell me how this code works?Thanks #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct A{ A(){cout<<"Default Constructor"<<endl;} A(int){co...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot,now I understand (by jackJames)
How to get the username attribute from the HTML input tag attribute from generic name in c++
<input type="text" name="username" id="username" class="textinput" /> This is my HTML input line, I iterated this tag and stored all input attributes in map....
[2 replies] Last: TinyXml is an xml parser. You ... (by barnack)
Need help with switch statement
Hey guys, I need help with the switch statement at the bottom of the program. Error is that the expression must have a constant value and that the value of the...
[3 replies] Last: Also you could avoid repeating your code and your condition multiple t... (by barnack)
bead 12 Game Using C++ Code Needed
image Link
[4 replies] Last: This is how your start. int main(){ return 0; } This is not a simp... (by doug4)
Hi everyone, need help with this assignment. its due today and will be appreciated if anyone can help me out with these questions. CPSC 1103 Assign...
[1 reply] : well, you did the validation but you are missing the cost computation.... (by ne555)
by atl13
CIS 2 Programming Assignment
Hey guys, i am having trouble finishing my program. Here's the program. I am getting an error saying my 'fin' is not declared. I also need to include a loop to ...
[1 reply] : fin is only available in main. Since showContent has a parameter file ... (by Thomas1965)
C++ Programing Fraction Class
I am having a hard time with this homework The specifications for the assignment are listed below: Modify the Fraction class so that the Fraction objects c...
[1 reply] : What is your problem ? (by Thomas1965)
by mynava
Stuck - Again: Coin Flip Game with functions
[sorry this is a long one] Hello, I know I'm becoming a regular here but I am just not getting it and I am so sorry to keep bugging you guys with what I'm sure ...
[6 replies] Last: Since the program example stores input as a char, you can modify CoinF... (by EtDecius)
Identifier srand48() and drand48() are undefined?
Hello professionals, I was trying to run this code recently but it was not working properly. I was using Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2017 but the errors say:...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you very much @JLBorges for sharing your insights. God bless you... (by kindgnice)
by mynava
Dynamic Memory Allocation - Help please
Hello, ok, so here is my problem/issue I'm having with this code. This is a program that asks a user for days worked, pay rate and hours worked per day. I'm sup...
[1 reply] : hi, here are your answers: first, hours is not initialized and you are... (by heepoo)
by stav
vector of unique_pointers error?
Hi I'm trying to declare this vector of unique pointers, in my class: std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MyComponent>> m_pComponents; but when i do, it gives me thi...
[6 replies] Last: I wonder if it's even possible to have a vector<unique_ptr<> > Vector... (by Peter87)
equation Y= 5x^3 + 3x + 4 with a loop
program asks a user to type in Xi(initial) Xf(where calculation stops at) Inc(what amount it will be increasing by) then to create another function to calculate...
[12 replies] Last: Now that you are correctly calling the function in line 30 and storing... (by doug4)
by Chaost
External text handling
I'm planning on creating a program which allows you to have more than just one clipboard. I don't plan on manipulating or using the windows clipboard in any way...
[3 replies] Last: How will I allow my program to pick up on text that happens outside o... (by Thomas1965)
C++ program errors? where?
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int number1; //variable declaration printf("Enter number1: "); //prompt scanf_s(...
[1 reply] : This scanf_s("%d", number1); is the problem. scanf(...) requires a p... (by coder777)
c++ goto pattern (1,2)
Hi everyone! Maybe this is a stupid question. It is related to a pattern that I have come across several times, and I am wondering what would be the best sol...
[29 replies] Last: > The other alternatives break down quickly as the complexity of the s... (by JLBorges)
How to verify form TOTP Number and b32encode by c++
hello all i need some help from good people i want make little code to Verify TOTP (Time-based One-time Password Algorithm) Number i search on this thing by c...
[no replies]
Need help with a code that I have been working on all day. if someone could help me, would really appreciate it. The problem is that it keeps telling me that i ...
[4 replies] Last: thanks guys u are life savers. (by jose23567)
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