General C++ Programming - July 2012 (Page 22)

urgent - passing values, function...weird
Hello all, I really need to write a function with 3 caracteristics: 1) one of it's argument's is a type that I define in the header, the type is a double ...
[2 replies] Last: @guilhermecm I really need to write a function with 3 caracteristics:... (by vlad from moscow)
by tatai
how to remove text line before the integer data
I have a file which has a header row on the top. This header row is some character variables. My main dataset is integer variable. how to read this dataset, in ...
[1 reply] : Read the first line and ignore it. (by kbw)
string related problem
string temp = "ACB ME BAT" and i want convert A->1 B->2... so on and convert temp to certain number A C B space (1*1) + (3* 2) + ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh string temp cin>> temp; cout << temp.length() <<endl... (by jake eum)
How to read bit by bit in a file
My question is that assume that you have a file with hundred's of 0's or 1's (binary) example: 10010101010101101 10101010101010111 ....... Now I want ...
[1 reply] : See next method: (by Ivan Sidarau)
by MrKieG
OpenGL Camera
Ok so openGL technically has no camera, and is always looking at the eye co-ord 0.0.0. Say if i create a camera class with all the relative functions need to...
[4 replies] Last: Making it seem alot clearer, thanks for your time. (by MrKieG)
string break point problem
if you run this there is break point error not sure why string stringtmp; string alp=" ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYNZ"; int count=1; ...
[2 replies] Last: A "break point" is a spot your debugger is instructed to stop your pro... (by Duthomhas)
SAT 3D Separating
I just understood How SAT in 3d works. Now want to figure out how to resolve the collision, that means separate the objects. Can someone tell me?
[1 reply] : i used this code : but it dowsent work on all faces bool FindMTD3d(V... (by Marvin Wyss)
Launching other Programs with C++
Hello, I've heard that C++ is not the best programming language for web crawling. I want to use C++ so that it launches a background python process to generate ...
[4 replies] Last: Hello, I've heard that C++ is not the best programming language for w... (by modoran)
Multiple AI opponents
I've been putting together a 2D side-scolling game using the Allegro 5 library. However, I've hit a wall with this, as I've suddenly realised I'm not really too...
[5 replies] Last: Same way you would with an array. Or use the at() method. Or use an ... (by MrHutch)
Help With STL
I am just a beginner, and have been reading about STL for a few days. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong actually ? Thanks in advance. #include <iostre...
[7 replies] Last: Guys I owe you a lot. With both your explanations I finally understood... (by jumper007)
by kribel
Compiler cannot resolve type definition
Hello all, I am getting the following error compiling my project: D:\.../src/engine/Plugin.hpp:78:21: error: 'engineVersion_t' does not name a type ...
[3 replies] Last: Hi Peter87, Framework, @Framework: I tried your suggestion, unfortuna... (by kribel)
I've tried to make a simple SAT implementation for two tetrahedral's. But It works not correct. It works if theres a collision, but if there's no, he may return...
[8 replies] Last: thanks, it shines to work now! (by Marvin Wyss)
First assignment, Please help.
Hey everyone, so I've done the most I could do, but I still don't know how to add string, bool, and char into this equation. Could you please help. Here are ...
[1 reply] : declare a char, an int, 3 float, a double, a string and a bool. You... (by Moschops)
ping and multithreading
Hello to all I'm creating a class which does the ping. I'm using rawsocket from this example ( ). In this e...
[2 replies] Last: Too many difficult for me and too much time. Ping is a little piece of... (by banditblue)
Reference to abstract class as a class member
Hi, all! I have the following question: suppose i have abstract class base Base and its complete implementation ImplBase (several of them); I want to use impl...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! Now it is clear (by defunct)
by beakie
Slicing problem
I have 3 classes, myForm, myFormTest and myFormManager. This is a simple version of what I have class myFormManager { myForm * formPointers; void...
[4 replies] Last: I do need the virtual bit... I was wrong. Googled it... You have an... (by beakie)
Thoughts on default constructor ?
Should the default constructor on a data type, such as 3d point, be left alone? I've recently come across a library I use and such a situation presented itself...
[2 replies] Last: > Should the default constructor on a data type, such as 3d point, be ... (by JLBorges)
by vasimr
Using an externally defined class within a namespace
Lets say I have a library which declares all of its classes / types in a namespace. I would like to create a class which utilizes one of these namespaced classe...
[15 replies] Last: //somehow in myClass.h namespace ThisNamespace { namespace NewName... (by ne555)
Node and List
I converted this StrNode class to a template class, and now I am trying to convert the List portion but cannot get it to match up. Any one have some ideas? ...
[5 replies] Last: right i was trying to use const& as a template, either way completely ... (by rmartin20)
help me please
hi guys iam not much in c++ but iam old in games programming by action script it all debend on the events so the function are so easy but here in c++ i got so...
[1 reply] : Re-post... Please don't... (by Tresky)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 30
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