General C++ Programming - July 2012 (Page 23)

by Laveer
Checking for a module
I'm trying to check for a module handle on form load, but regardless it always checks positive. Heres what I have DWORD dwTest; do{ dwTest = (DWORD)GetM...
[1 reply] : You'll get better answers if you move this thread to the Windows secti... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by DRoz9
Program Help
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { double TotalInvestment; double InitialInvestment; float sum; ...
[1 reply] : I found out my problem with the total investment not adding up. But I ... (by DRoz9)
Anonymous Unions and member functions
I was just wondering why anonymous unions cannot contain member functions. I believe that regular, named unions can have member functions, and what makes anonym...
[2 replies] Last: Ahh, makes sense. Thanks. (by Flurite)
Making a std::vector of function pointers
Hello, I'm working on a little project where I need instances of my Actor class to have a sort of scriptable function execution order. My impulse is to have e...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you all so much for the help! It has been greatly appreciated. (by PixelOutlaw)
How to declare variable with fixed address (1,2)
hello, I wish to manually define an address of a variable and then assign a value to that variable and then access data of that variable through address. F...
[20 replies] Last: BlackSheep, I am already using cannon's algorithm along with openmp. I... (by unkn00wn)
by Laveer
Cooldown on a button
Fixed My Issue
[1 reply] : Shouldn't it be if(this->timer1->Enabled == true) ... if(this->timer1... (by Warnis)
by rdx
array of string input problem
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main(){ string array ; int i=0,j=0; string z ={"abdgh","ygurjc","guqhkcn","asdfh","sent"};...
[1 reply] : Duplicate thread: (by Moschops)
by rdx
problem in use of array of strings...
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main(){ string array ; int i=0,j=0; string z ={"abdg","ygur","guqf","asdf","sent"}; ...
[1 reply] : Duplicate thread: (by Moschops)
hello every body...i am making a program that counts each number in an array...the code is the following... #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include...
[4 replies] Last: Try this:- #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ... (by tshah)
wrong number of template arguments
Dear all, I have the following class: template < class Class, typename ReturnType,typename Parameter1 = void , typename Parameter2 = void, typename Parameter...
[no replies]
Reading data from .txt
hello all i have the following file #NB_OF_USERS_PAIRS 3 1 2 2 2 5 6 9 4 3 #NB_OF_EDGE_PAIRS 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 #NB_OF_PEERING_PAIRS 2 4 5 ...
[no replies]
by pHast
Pass Pointer of Cloned Class
Hi, I'm working to build a duplicated class, copying all data from the original class in, and passing a pointer to the new class to be used. An example of it ...
[5 replies] Last: > Except that if it is not "cloneable", you may not want to return a p... (by JLBorges)
by Suhrob
maximum sum
There is an elevator with the lifting capability of (1 <= M <= 999). And there is a list of N (1 <= N <= 100) numbers of positive integers ( 1<= M). The eleme...
[1 reply] : google "knapcack problem" (by viliml)
by merve
Path to become a professional
Hello, I know C/C++ as a beginner, but have wish to be a C++ professional. Now i am working as a junior Java programmer, but desire a C/C++ job, especially us...
[no replies]
Am I learning the right language? [Also: Practice Problems?]
Hey all, I'm a beginner to c++, so far I have covered variables, pointers, arrays, functions, dynamic memory, basic file i/o, data structures, control structure...
[8 replies] Last: Banana, do you know what you're talking about? C# is as much related t... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by soma
simulating WSN using C++
Hi sorry for my poor english I have a project in Wireless Sensor Networks I defined the sensors by using 2d Array now, How can I define a mobile sin...
[no replies]
More, more C++!
Hi, I am a beginner to C++. Right now, I am reading the documentation. Now I just want to know about more books (good ones, mind you) or videos or...
[4 replies] Last: Here's an okay website that I find useful sometimes: www.cprogrammi... (by MasterBanana)
New Game I'm Making
Hey. I have an idea for a game called "Staff of Magius". It's an RPG and I have some stuff that I'm working on for it. Here's the stuff I have for it so far: ...
[3 replies] Last: First, the ideas. I already got some ideas from a friend of mine for m... (by MasterBanana)
Function Encryption/Decryption
I saw some sample on some site but i can't seems to make it to work. for(unsigned char* p = __START; p < __FINISH; p++) { p = p ^ key; } __START: Mes...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> std::string encode(const std::... (by kbw)
by cdf
Resizing array of pointers to objects
When resizing an array of pointers to objects, how do I define the array, and how do I copy the objects from 1 array to another. defining in header of Pare...
[3 replies] Last: OOOOOhhh. OK, let's start from the beggining. In the first line of co... (by viliml)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 30
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