General C++ Programming - July 2015 (Page 3)

by olette
Car outputs?
This is my code #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> using namespace std; //Car class //Defined enum here enum Kind{business,mainten...
[2 replies] Last: FYI, your "Kind" enum and your KIND_ARRAY don't match. 'other' and 'bo... (by booradley60)
Exercise 3-4
In a two’s complement number representation, our version of itoa does not handle the largest negative number, that is, the value of n equal to -(2wordsize-1)...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void reverse (cha... (by pacman169)
by yj1214
Making GUI programs with SFML
Is it a good idea to use SFML to make GUI programs? Would displaying image buttons with SFML slower than other GUI libraries such as Qt, wx, gltk etc.? How d...
[6 replies] Last: I did read your post, SFML is geared towards making video games not g... (by shadowmouse)
Text Editor for Windows 7
My question is how to go about creating a text editor like notepad but shows a number that represents which line you are on. Also i would like to have a drop-do...
[1 reply] : Try Cream: (by JLBorges)
by homing
General Struct question:
hey, i've rarely used structs in c++, but want to use one now: is the following a good way to create a struct? struct { ...
[1 reply] : Yes? In this case 'Pair' is the identifier, just like it would be with... (by Computergeek01)
by Tofsir
can u solved this?
Write a program which will implement the OnlineStore system. This will includes- - Store, Accounts and Product class - Store is the class that directly invo...
[1 reply] : We won't do your homework for you. Have a go at writing it, and then ... (by MikeyBoy)
How to use sounds
Is there any possible way to use sounds in c++ for example opening a wad file or somethig like that can somebody tell me please. Thank you!
[no replies]
by Pro09
How can i solve this,
1. Write a function named countRepresentations that returns the number of ways that an amount of money in rupees can be represented as rupee notes. For this pro...
[1 reply] : You can break it down to two operations: 1. How to compute the sum fo... (by keskiverto)
Is problem in function or main?
I am trying to change a letter in a string to an upper case version of the letter. Function void SetLetterUpper( string &letter,char character) { ...
[15 replies] Last: @ne555 I guess, its more portable, right? I mean, since some peopl... (by Pratik K)
Dynamic Allocated Arrays
I am trying to dynamically create a new array where each item in the original array is duplicated the given number of times. How do I make a variable that r...
[10 replies] Last: Good. Here is both your method and two others: int * expandArray( co... (by keskiverto)
help with this PLEASE! algorithm issue
I am stumbling my way through this class, I am lost when it comes to doing the math among other things related to C++ //*************************************...
[7 replies] Last: So is this throwing it off from reading the value stored in n from use... (by david5503)
Electrodynamics problems libs
Hello community! Are there any existing open source libraries to electrodynamics (physics)? I mean some libs that can emulate a medium and electromagnetic sourc...
[1 reply] : Maybe you have already seen this, but try: (by robknetsch)
string concatenation
I am making a function where I concatenate a string, and test to see if the string has the same characters and if they do have the same characters I have to del...
[8 replies] Last: Zhuge thanks for the outline of what I was supposed to do, I used it a... (by mjamesball9)
Any c++ guru, to modify code using base,derived classes, overidden and polymorphism
The purpose of this code is to use a base class, derived classes, overridden functions, and polymorphism. Modify this code for each member function given for ea...
[1 reply] : Did you join the forum just to spam it with your homework, or do you h... (by booradley60)
Random food generator
I want to make random food generator but I dont have an idea how to do it so can anyone explain me or give me example for random food generator on 2d array(map)...
[no replies]
Snake game problem
Hello guys! I want to make snake game but i dont know how to make the body to follow the head so if anyone can explain me or give me example it will be good. T...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=BadAssPanda]P.S Where is vector2 I cant find it? Gamer2015 had... (by Peter87)
Solving a matrix
Ok, I am just a beginning and I know there are a lot of ways to do this that are probably better, but I really wanted to make a program that converts a matrix t...
[2 replies] Last: OK, I have updated everything. Thanks for the input. (by robknetsch)
by Gordon
Help me !! Why my seat map can't show in the second time for the second customer ??
#include <iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { const int size=30; int fc=10,bc=20; int a,b,tfc=0,tbc=0,s ={0...
[1 reply] : It looks like you have an error in your code. Of course, no one is goi... (by ModShop)
Help Please?
I am new to programming and I am getting a parsing error in Unity that I cannot figure out. The error is on line 56. Here is the link to my code http://pastebin...
[1 reply] : I think you are posting c# on c++ forum. Maybe someone can help you he... (by Bdanielz)
by Beezy
C++ Looping Program, counting digits and words
This program is suppose to count the number of digits, words ( i.e Abc, fish...) upper case letters, and longest word length inputted. I am having trouble prop...
[1 reply] : First post code in code tags (the "<>" on the toolbar) Second, your c... (by codewalker)
July 2015 Pages: 12345... 15
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