General C++ Programming - March 2018 (Page 9)

Game of Life Program
Hey everybody, I'm a freshman in college and definitely a beginner at this. My professor assigned a game of life program for us to write and implement. I don't ...
[11 replies] Last: You can create a 2D int vector as long as you supply both dimensions... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
run-time created 2 dimensional vector
Both Visual C++ 2017 and TDM-GCC 4.9.2 initialize the elements of a created 2D vector without having to push back any values. The vector elements seem to be ini...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, I see why now. Because I supplied vector count size for each dime... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Reverse the string.
I'm a beginner in c++ and my new teacher has given me a project on strrev. I am supposed to write a code with : char *strrev(char *s), which reverses the strin...
[12 replies] Last: utoob is one of many resources. a lot of coding help will be in text,... (by jonnin)
Why float is read correctly in 32-bit but not in 64-bit in Visual Studio C++ 2015
I have an application in Visual Studio 2015 that receives a certain struct, as a memory pointer, with some fields from an application in LabWindows CVI that wri...
[3 replies] Last: First of all, I don't see the member varFloat defined. It looks like ... (by doug4)
by YikUTM
How analyse a pulse?
I planned to write a program that analyse the pulse rate which is from an external sound file. If the pulse rate is high, it will display a health advice. I...
[1 reply] : This is a subject with a vast range of existing literature. But that's... (by Repeater)
by grimzF
the loop in the main() gets executed only once
#include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; int factorial(int, int); int main() { system("cls"); int x=1, n; char...
[2 replies] Last: Seems a typical problem with a dangling '\n' cin >> n; will not remove... (by Thomas1965)
Help on leap year finder programer
I need some on a c++ programming assignment where I am required to create a program that checks for a leap year using a do while loop and also allows the user t...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> int main() { int year ; std::cout << "En... (by JLBorges)
Reference to a constant pointer?
Suppose you have the following declarations: int x = 5; int *const ptr2 = &x; const int*& p_ref2 = ptr2; The first is a primitive type int, the second is a con...
[1 reply] : int x = 5; int* const ptr2 = &x; // const pointer to (non-const) int ... (by JLBorges)
by combz
Round Up/Down Function? I'm looking to build a program that solves basic equations?
I know a little bit of Objective-C and I'm not too familiar with the differences between C++ and Obj. C I'm looking for a solution to a business need that I ha...
[3 replies] Last: Assuming that we are using a standard library implementation which sup... (by JLBorges)
by Borneq
Advanced tree operations classes
Problem seems to be trivial, but there trees differs from I always use: I don't add simple elements, but construct big trees from smaller trees. I am using sha...
[no replies]
How get all the words of same length from a string of thousands of words
How to get the words of same length from a string of thousands of words. Please explain with the code.
[7 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, JL Borges.. (by raasilinin)
c++/linux question (1,2)
Hi, I am learning as quite the novice how to program visual c++ for linux development / c++ for linux development available on VS2017 and Eclipse. My questi...
[24 replies] Last: It was some combination of the commands below. Basically I enabled ssh... (by technologist)
by jenxx
Modify output data file
Dear all, I am a beginner and I hope you can help. I need to convert an output data file, made of a 5-line header, 3 columns, and 300 rows. The first column...
[4 replies] Last: I said N++ because its search and replace can do powerful things like ... (by jonnin)
First text-based game created by me. Tell me what you think please!
So I created my first game in C++. It is called Virtlife. I really need your opinion on what I should add or remove. It is very interesting and funny and compl...
[6 replies] Last: Hello! Yesterday I gave your game a try, and it is very funny! I test... (by Misenna)
Help C++
can someone please help me, I need to create this menu driven program using arrays and I need the following code to compile to do the following: 1)enter flight...
[4 replies] Last: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\xutili... (by TheIdeasMan)
How get all the words of same length from a string of thousands of words
Can anyone help with the code to extract the words of particular length from the string of words. #include <fstream> #include <iostream> int main() { ...
[3 replies] Last: JLBorges did show how to collect words by sizes in http://www.cplusp... (by keskiverto)
Extracting a particular length of words from the strings
Write your question here. I am taking a dictionary of words from a text file and want to display all the words with four letters. string numWords;...
[3 replies] Last: A really good reply here: (by TheIdeasMan)
Lexical Analyzer in C++
Hi everyone, here is my project for spring break. I need to code a lexical analyzer. Here's what a got so far but I need help putting everything together. I h...
[1 reply] : You have not asked a question. Also, it would greatly help if you edi... (by Ganado)
why do we need to "build" a library
Hi guys sorry about the confusing title but why do we need to build a library or framework before we can actually use it? for example yesterday I installed F...
[8 replies] Last: The makefile gives instructions on how to build the library. SHARED=1 ... (by Ganado)
how use Assembly on C++ for print
i'm trying(for now) using Assembly on C++, but without success. for start i need ask: how can i print a string and a number?
[12 replies] Last: Right. Visual used to support a VERY casual inline assembly that unde... (by jonnin)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 7891011... 15
  Archived months: [feb2018] [apr2018]

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