General C++ Programming - November 2012 (Page 41)

by vigyby
Need to create a binary file to diaplay questions ?
I am doing a project on quiz i need to create a class called test with char array to store questions and display them 1 by 1 in neat format with help of a binar...
[2 replies] Last: And there is my omnipresent request to edit your post so that it us... (by TheIdeasMan)
by ygh929
pointer being freed was not allocated
Hi I'm trying to make a queue class by myself, and inside the queue, each element is a position (pair of integers). So here is the code for "position.h" #...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help! I've used another easier method to so... (by ygh929)
Need help with my C++ Program Y/N Input if not Y/N displays Invalid input?
Really need your help.. see bottom part. include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main(void) { int num; ch...
[1 reply] : Here is a good way of quitting something: #include <locale> char an... (by TheIdeasMan)
by defile
GCD Loop - "not responding"
Hey all. Trying to do a basic homework assignment which is to create a program that reads 2 integers and finds the GCD of them through a loop, not using euclid'...
[6 replies] Last: Well you might know, but it is a trap for some - what are the types of... (by TheIdeasMan)
by S7krs
Time (struct tm) Stuck At Specific Date
I have created a class, in this class, there is a function that "tests" time by checking if the time value was actually incremented. #include <ctime> class t...
[3 replies] Last: Alright I figured it out, had to do with DST. Now I just inc/dec the t... (by S7krs)
General Tree - Lost!
Hello all Trying to build a general tree for my class, but am feeling pretty lost about how to code it. Not a fan of any trees at the moment! The basic pseudo...
[no replies]
find index in a vector-help urgent!
how can i find the index of a certain number in a vector?
[3 replies] Last: It will give you 0 because 5 is the first element of your vector after... (by vlad from moscow)
strange error in easy metod
hi all , im passing the following vector in a method: the call meted is : okElem elem=getChannelForUE(cqiVETT, mappa); that return me a struct okEleme, the ...
[1 reply] : I can guess only that inside the function you declared a local vector ... (by vlad from moscow)
by lyn18
cubic spline
i want to test the spline with any three points in x <x<x using function Test(). but the output is confusing me. i dont know how to fix it. please someone help...
[1 reply] : Hi lyn18, So what compiler output do you have? Some things I noticed... (by TheIdeasMan)
by jkfde
C++Programming help!! need help writing/fixing
This is the assignment from class i need to complete: A circular slab of uniform thickness (5 units) (cross-section of the slab is illustrated below) is to be ...
[10 replies] Last: By setting a flag during the body of the loop, and then checking that... (by TheIdeasMan)
Vector of Pair
What is vector of pair in C++ and what is the addition process of it in a typical C++ program???
[1 reply] : Not sure what you are asking. std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> vecto... (by Peter87)
How do the compiler choose the right overloadedfunction
Helle there, i got a question about the compiler. If i have two function: 1) int foo (char a, int b); 2) int foo (int a, int b); The compiler can differ the f...
[2 replies] Last: And if it is a Memberfunktion? I ask because i read the stl-vector ref... (by trialanderror usually)
by Reed07
Simulating Input
I wrote a program in C++ that will activate a macro when a specific key is pressed. It simulates the actions using SendInput() in <windows.h>. The downside to t...
[2 replies] Last: You can use the FindWindow() function of the windows api: http://msdn... (by coder777)
by shaggy
Game guidance
Heyeveryone, I am about to remake a poorly coded 2d game i made earlier this year. I would like som guidance in regards of the classes i will need. I want the ...
[1 reply] : So why not design your program exactly like you already wrote it: cl... (by coder777)
by cccc
it solved, thanks!!
[1 reply] : Firstly, edit your post so it uses code tags - the <> button on the r... (by TheIdeasMan)
What does bitwise and (&) mean?
I had come across a code which had a line: i += i & -i . I know that & compares two binary numbers, but why is is used in i += i & -i ? What will happen if we...
[1 reply] : bitwise and looks at each bit in the operands and combines them accord... (by Disch)
by myslf
spliting line
I have question about how to read line and i want to spit it by string and int Rt 72 and Randall 42.1032143 88.3349228 I-90 and Randall 42.0804138...
[2 replies] Last: I don't wanna Rt 72 and Randall 42.1032 88.3349 separate like this i... (by myslf)
Help Starting Off
Okay, so I am ready to start making games for commercial sale. I realize that this is not a simple task to take on, but I am ready to. I have chosen my langua...
[3 replies] Last: Ah yes... Thank you two so much! - Kyle (by KyleMiles)
Help on programing please.
Can I have some help on my hw please. A project is comprised of one or more sequential phases. Each phase is comprised of one or more tasks. Each phase mu...
[4 replies] Last: I know all of that already I just don't know how to write the code doi... (by closed account zUC4izwU)
Input text sorting HELP
Hi- I have to put this table of numbers from .txt doc: Phase#/Task#/Time 1 100 2 1 101 5 2 102 3 3 103 2 3 104 8 3 105 1 4 106 1 4 107 4 and so...
[no replies]
November 2012 Pages: 1... 3940414243... 51
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